1,336 total results
Hello @amchurch, While we wait for members with experience to respond, I thought this Mayo Clinic...
@mscarano, all the best with your trip to Mayo Rochester and to flying during these times....
I received Proton Beam Therapy at Mayo Clinic Rochester. I had zero side effects during treatment...
Hello @cpmcb and welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer support group on Mayo Connect. When you call...
Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others
Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or...
Dental extraction and chemo treatments
Has anyone experienced the need for dental extractions while on chemo? My wife needs a couple of tooth extractions/surgeries and replacements in order to eat...
New diagnosis: locally advanced pancreatic cancer
I'm new to the Mayo board, but not a Mayo patient and not in MN. This week I received a new diagnosis of locally advanced...
Pancreatic cancer with post-surgery splenic lymph metastasis
One of my relatives has recently been diagnosed as pancreatic cancer on body and tail. Surgery was immediately performed to remove the part of body...
Is anyone taking Zenpep rather than Creon? If so what foods work?
I do not have diarrhea, but I have many bowel movements as my digestive system doesn't seem to get the nutrients needed. I go uup...
Has anyone been able to have surgery for tumor in the tail?
Has anyone been able to have surgery for tumor in the tail of the pancreas, stage 4, metastasized to the lymph nodes. My husband's oncologist...
Met my new oncologist yesterday
I've posted twice about my frustrations with my first oncologist. I asked for a referral to another MD, and yesterday (Fri 7/14) we met for...
Hello~ I have a new diagnosis - Stage IV PC
Good Morning! I am so happy to find this support group for PC. I was diagnosed and confirmed with stage IV in August. Chemo starts...
Drug Doubles Survival Time - Saltikva
Anyone know how to obtain the drug Saltikva which earned fast-track FDA approval in Jan 2022. Studies have shown the Salmonella IL2 drug Saltikva doubled...
2nd opinion would require a diag. lap within 90 days of last one
I am 70 and was diagnosed with Stage 1 pan can 9/23. Initially took Abraxane/Gemzar for 2 months, then stopped due to chemo- induced pneumonia/pneumonitis...