8,861 total results
I’ve bought sneakers and shoes from Orthofeet. Sometimes I send them back because they hurt my...
@tlund My autocorrect changed my entry. I have small fiber neuropathy (SFN), not Safe. 😉 I...
Is it worth trying to resolve peripheral neuropathy?
G'day, I'm 53 yo bloke and suffer from peripheral neuropathy. I get these sharp burning/stinging pains (like bee stings) that usually start in my hands...
Pudendal compression in males
I have questions as I was been diagnosed with pudendal compression 10 weeks ago, and am healing thanks to 8 weeks of physical therapy and...
Neuropathy. And HIV
Hello, I developed neuropathy in my feet in December 2016, symptoms went away in June 2017, however, returned december 2017. Neurologists could not find cause....
Controlling the Anger and Sadness: My Neuropathy is Overtaking Me
One of those days today where feet are just throbbing, can't find shoes to wear, can't be without shoes, loaded up on CBD, and finally...
Six years of severe pain & misery and doctors have no answers
I'm 72 years old and in these my final years, I've spent 6 years of severe peripheral neuropathy since fracturing my hip. I had hip-pinning....
Neuropathy or neurotoxicity symptoms
I am a male in my late thirties about two months ago I started experiencing peripheral & autonomic neuropathy symptoms. The night it started I...
Recommendations for non diabetic PN Dr at Mayo Clinic
Hi. 2.5 yrs ago I had horrific burning in my feet and have since been diagnosed with PN. The first neurologist diagnosed me with CIDP...
Chronic Sensorimotor Axonal Polyneuropathy and CMTuagnised with Chroni
Anyone diagnosed with Chronic Sensorimotor Axonal Polyneuropathy and CMT2 and CMT4B? CMT is a hereditary disease that comes down on the X-chromosome. My mother’s side...
Small Fiber Neuropathy burning?
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well with the quarantine. We are hanging in there!! I have a question about small fiber neuropathy. As...
Have you tried the new Protocol 525 product for neuropathy relief?
I have used the original version of the Protocol 525 product (https://theprotocolworks.com/) since 2016. I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy with the only symptom...