8,860 total results
What to expect with PN in hands
I have had PN in feet diagnosed in May but only this past week experienced more obvious symptoms in my hands: loss of sense in...
Difference between Pregabalin and Gabapentin
I am currently taking Pregabalin that was prescribed by my VA PCP, I have neuropathy in legs and feet. Which is questionable for 2 back/fusion...
Cold tingling every time I walk, nerve damage or aggravation?
I bought OrthoFeet sneakers very wide and a size larger than I need and have nerve damage/aggravation happening every time I walk in them or...
Correlation between increased neuropathy pain and fluid retention?
My feet were on fire pretty much the entire day yesterday, and I could not figure out why. Then at some point I realized I...
are foot massagers safe to use
I am prediabetic with an A!C of 6.5. I am also on blood thinner for a blood clot I had in my lung, that most...
Neuropathy and the Impact of Stress
I was diagnosed with Small Fibre Neuropathy only a couple of months ago. I was feeling so good because I was being successfully treated with...
Lidocaine or Ketamine Infusions
My pain management doctor is recommending that I get lidocaine or ketamine infusions for my pain. I have severe burning neuropathy pain in my feet,...
Nerve blocks
Has anyone had success with a nerve block in spine/neck for PN? I saw a few older comments on discussion board. I am afraid of...
Just Diagnosed with Small Fiber Neuropathy
Hi . I am a bit scared here. Had positive skin biopsy for small fiber. What tests will the Neuro ask for to find causation?...
Have you tried DRG dorsal root ganglion therapy for PN?
I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy of my toes on both feet. I have tried lyrica and gabepente and had a anaphylaxis. Now on Cymbalta long...