Support Groups

Neuropathy Support Group

Public Support Group
8,018 total results
Discussions (395)
neuropathy from antibiotics for uti
I have embedded uti for about 1 year and only controlling it 24/7 with antibiotics. Now my bloodwork shows anemia from antibiotics and peripheril neuropathy,...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Aug 7, 2022
What exactly is Neuropathy?
I have Polyneuropathy which I thought was numbness in my hands and feet due to poor circulation but apparently it has nothing to do with...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 17 2:24pm
Tissue Support Injections
I found a Doctor who would inject with “Biological Tissue Support Matrix Injections” along with Ozone for my feet and lower legs. Anyone else have...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 1, 2022
Vick’s Vapor Rub for Neuropathy Pain
Has anyone tried rubbing Vick’s Vapor Rub on their legs or arms for neuropathic pain? I wonder if it would feel cool on the skin...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 19 2:53pm
Does anyone have a suggestion socks to wear at night that don’t h
The bottoms of my feet are very sensitive to pressure. Does anyone know of compression socks you can wear that are comfortable enough to wear...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 24, 2023
Neuropathy in lower legs causing difficulty standing
I have neuropathy in my lower legs and feet. Aside from the lack of sensation or numbness, my biggest problem is that I lose my...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 5 10:39am
Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?
I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 28 4:36pm
Correlation between increased neuropathy pain and fluid retention?
My feet were on fire pretty much the entire day yesterday, and I could not figure out why. Then at some point I realized I...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 7 6:59pm
Anyone have Pain in hip flexors, thighs, knees?
Where in your feet and legs do you experience pain due to neuropathy? Anyone else having intense pain that seems to travel between hip flexors,...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Aug 15, 2018
Magnetism Feeling in Legs with Neuropathy
Hi - Three times in the past week I had a strange and unnerving feeling while sitting at an open air restaurant on vacation. The...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 20, 2023
Has anyone had success in claiming disability with small fiber neuropathy? I have it bad in both feet. Along with 5 degenerative disc in my...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Nov 3, 2019
Supplements - What helps nerve pain and/or neuropathy?
I was diagnosed earlier this year with "Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy" over my whole body, though I am not yet showing symptoms everywhere. I do have...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 13 1:17pm
Does anyone have neuropathy related to MGUS?
I have neuropathy in my feet and lower legs caused by MGUS the docs tell me, I do not have pain - just numbness. Does...
Last active: May 14 11:39am
Easy to inflame, but, how to calm it down
I have spinal stenosis, narrowing of the nerve channel on my bottom two lumbar discs causing numbness and tingling in my feet. While it’s easy...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 13, 2022
trying a new combo drug therapy
HI my fellow feet on fire friends! I have been given Imipramine 50mg 2x day and Carbamazepine 200mg 2x a day increase to 400mg. I...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jul 23, 2023
How do I know if I have neuropathy? I used to have toe pain just from
Started revitive foot machine about 1 yr ago. Pain is gone. Feet were never numb anywhere. Has it been healing ? Still use revitive everyday.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 7 6:57pm
Postural exercises are helping to reduce my nerve pain
Nerve pain - low back, right leg and feet My Dr. Recently switched my anxiety med from Zoloft to Effexor and I’ve been doing postural...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 21, 2022
Menopause and Neurapothy
Hi, Since around 2015 I have felt some numbness in my feet. BAM! Post menopause, Around Fall of 2019. Terrible numbness in toes and calves...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 3, 2023
Stem Cells and Idiopathic Neuropathy
I have idiopathic neuropathy in my feet and cannot tolerate pain medications. Does anyone know what the status is with research into stem cells for...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jul 17, 2023
Anyone try LLLT red light therapy for helping with PN?
LLLT red light therapy has been good for me to reduce inflammation caused by injury, strain, etc. just ordered pads for my feet, anticipating help...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 23 11:52am