8,734 total results
Discussions (459)
Autonomic and Peripherial neuropathy
I have never opened up in a forum before, and still feel uncomfortable doing this one, but I'm going to give it a try. I...
CIDP diagnosis after severe GBS long ago, where do I start?
I had a very severe case of GBS in 1973 but recovered and led a normal life including a stint in the Marines Corps. For...
Polyneuropathy ups and downs
Hi everyone, I just wanted to share that I had a very bad night last night. I have no idea why. All night long, my...
Small fiber peripheral neuropathy and alcohol
I'm fairly new to the forum. I've searched for this topic in previous discussions, but I've been unable to find it. If I've goofed, perhaps...
In Search of Relief
About 10 months ago I started feeling a pain in the second toe on my left foot. As time progressed my wife noticed my toe...
Desperate: Is there any hope for neuropathy?
Hi everyone,In 2019 I developed neuropathy in some toes in my right foot. Stabbing, sharp, creepy crawling sensations. My podiatrist prescribed a compounded topical and...
Help asking doctor if this is small fiber neuropathy or something else
HELP please. im going to a neurologist that deals specifically with neuropathy. i had seen him in march and he took a bunch of blood...
Polyneuropathy. electric cell signaling treatment (ECST)
Hello, everyone! I have a question. Recently I was diagnosed with Polyneuropathy. This started kinda strange way-about year ago , after I was prescribed metformin...
Neuropathy making a comeback
Hello all - I’m new to the group. I’m a 43 year old female in good health. About 2 years ago my feet started burning...
Young adult with idiopathic sensory axonal neuropathy
Hello all, first time poster here. I'm hoping by reaching out and telling my story I might connect with others who may be going through...
My Experience with Neuropathic Therapy Center at Loma Linda University
In 2010 I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in my fallopian tube. The treatment was surgery and five months of intense chemotherapy. With much...
My PN? What do you mean it's "progressive"?
Hello, fellow PNers! We've all had toothaches at one time or another. Do you remember what that's like? When you have a toothache, that's all...
Neuropathy and pain after failed pain stimulator surgery
Hello well here is my story i went to get pain stimulator put in and we'll I walked in the room surgery room and did...
Small Fiber Neuropathy and genetic testing?
Hi everyone, it was great to find this forum and all of you wonderful members on it. This is my first post.I was diagnosed with...
Finally relief from peripheral foot neuropathy! (my story)
I have had peripheral foot neuropathy for a few years. At first it was just numbness and minor tingling. Then the tingling was so bad,...
Numbness All Over: My story...
Hello everyone. First to the mods, please advise if you feel this belongs in a separate forum. I'm 6'5", 330 pounds, and I'm 34 years...
Lost my legs and now both arms to Neuropathy.
I know not many, if any of you have the same type of Neuropathy that is killing my pain nerves. Back in 2018, I was...
Mabye ALS? Alot of weird symptoms...
Hello.I have been dealing with alot of werid symptoms the past 1 ½ year wich is odd. Some symptoms is progressive meanwhile some has come...
Nerve pain and difficulty swallowing: I could really use some help
3 months ago I started having a very hard time swallowing my saliva, sometimes I think I'm going to choke and suffocate on it and...