Support Groups

Neuropathy Support Group

Public Support Group
8,018 total results
Discussions (395)
I feel your foot pain, help me understand mine.
I have a complicated history. Multiple neck surgeries, fused from C1 to. C7. Now I have a bulging disc in C7 and T1. Have had...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 6 7:41pm
Is jogging good for small fiber neuropathy
I am suffering from sfn for the last 18 months with severe burning pain at bottom of my feet. I am wondering whether i should...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 13, 2019
Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?
Since having Covid in Jan. of 2021, I have had constant numbness and joint stiffness in my feet. Is there a treatment or therapy to...
Last active: May 8 3:36pm
All over neuropathy
Last 3 years I have had mild neuropathy on the tips of my toes. My life changed over night when I woke up and the...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 9, 2022
Neuropathy Discussion
Have a client, diagnosis confirmed by NCV and EMG, distal moderate sensorimotor axonal with demyelinating poly neuropathy. At present symptoms of both feet and sole...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 7, 2023
My legs getting weaker and weaker
I have literally experienced deterioration with weired sensations on daily basis. The SFN hit me 7 years ago initially with some burning sensations in my...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 28 4:28am
Referral for Top Flight Neurologist for Peripheral Neuropathy
Can you recommend a caring, diligent neurologist in the NYC area? My current neurologist has proven useless. I have serious peripheral neuropathy in my feet...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 16, 2019
I've developed pins & needles, numbness along with sharp stabbing burning pains & a tightness in my soles. All of the above are in both...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Nov 1, 2021
Small fiber neuropathy?
I never had a biopsy to dx it. I’m wondering if I have the biopsy does it make a difference in the therapies? A year...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 31 9:23am
Sensory axonal polyneuropathy Results
Hello All. I don’t post often but wanted to hear from you regarding the results from my EMG test. Like many of you I to...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 15 9:25am
Too much life to live
Hi guys. I am 39. I have been diagnosed with sfn just last week. I have had symptoms for about 4 years. It wasn't until...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 11, 2019
Peripheral Neuropathy
I've had peripheral neuropathy for many years now and I have tried all the medicines and have not had much pain relief in my feet...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 26 7:14pm
What helps the symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy?
Good morning I know most members here have more severe symtoms than I. I woke up one morning in august with both feet tingling and...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 12, 2023
Anyone go to a Mayo Clinic for neuropathy?
I’m just wondering if anybody has gone to a MAYO clinic for assessment, evaluation, a specific diagnosis and hopefully treatment? It has been in the...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 3, 2023
Is it possible to get neuropathy in your hand from a IV port??
Months ago i had surgery and an IV port in my hand cuz they couldnt find a decent vein... since then my ring and pinkie...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Oct 29, 2020
Should I have knee replacement with neuropathy?
I have idiopathic neuropathy, in my feet and legs, stiff, tingling, burning cramping at night, the usual, and I have painful arthritic knees. Hyluronic acid...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 19, 2023
I feel like Physical Therapy is making small fiber neuropathy worse
Hello everyone, I have been doing PT for the past three weeks for SFN. I don’t have numbness just tons of pain in both feet....
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 29, 2022
Neuropathy Symptoms but No Pain
I've been experiencing numbness and tingling in my feet and calves for about a year. I've had a full work up, including negative EMG. The...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 7, 2023
If the shoe fits...right?
If you have neuropathy it can be a struggle finding shoes that "feel" good on your feet or at least do not make them feel...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 7, 2022
Tooth pain and Neuropathy
Every evening my front teeth, top and bottom, become very sensitive, like a toothache. Within a few hours my feet begin tingling, throbbing-classic neuropathy pain....
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 18 7:05pm