Support Groups

Digestive Health Support Group

Public Support Group
513 total results
Gallbladder removal: Suffering in pain, please help
Hi I’m a 44yr old white female who had my gallbladder removed January 20,2023 laparoscopic. I had a Strawberry gallbladder with 2 comet tails. I...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Feb 19, 2023
58 year old woman, Level 10 pain that Cholecystectomy didn't cure.
The wife has had the following PAIN events & SURGERY to remediate: * 5 level 10 pain episodes lasting on average 30-45 minutes * Pain...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Apr 9 3:18pm
Undiagnosed persistent and severe pains even after gallbladder removal
Hello, I am 28 year old female, I have been battling with a very strange case of chronic pain that the specialists at the hospital...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Oct 11 10:36am
Why would I have High Alk Phos weeks after gallbladder removal?
Hello. I had gallbladder removal surgery over two weeks ago. At day 5, I ended up in the hospital with severe pain, internal bleeding, high...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Mar 12 6:18pm
I have fatty liver and gallbladder disease
I have been having pain under my rib cage, lots of diarrhea, and an electrical pain in my neck vertebrae following the abdomen pain. These...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Dec 17, 2023
I am a 36 year old female and 2 years ago had to have a complete hysterectomy due to some underlying medical conditions. Last year...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Nov 8, 2016
Diagnosed with large gallstones and cysts on ovaries in emergency room
I was diagnosed with large gallstones in gallbladder and cysts on my ovaries in August 2022 at the emergency room. They did CT scan, ultrasound,...
Support Group: Gynecologic Cancers
Last active: Nov 20, 2022
Severe pain continues after gall bladder removal !
After dealing with episodes of severe abdominal pain for years, finally had my gallbladder removed. expecting to have condition resolved, but I continue to have...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Mar 9 10:46am
Liver Cyst - Recurring Any link to Lyme Disease
Five years ago I had a large liver cyst removed without complications. The cyst grew back and 2 years later I had it removed again....
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Oct 11, 2023
Down to either bile reflux or gastroparesis
To say I am desperate is an understatement. I've posted here a few times in the past on both these topics in regard to my...
Support Group: Digestive Health
Last active: Mar 16, 2023