359 total results
Constipation, gas and cramping year after reversal surgery: Normal?
I had my sigmoid colon removed five years ago and had a colostomy bag for months. Reversal went well. Did not have problems with diarrhea....
Surgery for recurrent diverticulitis
I'm having recurring diverticulitis. First episode in May 2023. Treated with Metronidalzol and Cephalexin. Went away. No issues. REturned in September 2024, hospitalized with absesses....
IBS-D, C and diverticulosis
I recently went from IBS-D to C and back. Just had a colonoscopy and test for microscopic colitis is negative but Dr says I have...
Hi, I also have a redundant colon, transverse and sigmoid. I was recently hospitalized for a...
Hello @patriotspride, Your case is sounding hopeful to me. I am reading so many reports of...
Post gallbladder surgery issues
I had gallbladder surgery 2012 and never lost weight but gained. Have trouble eating leafy vegetables, fiber, fruits, etc. it causes diarrhea, gas & bloating....
Hi Catherine, You might want to scan through the following discussion while you wait for members...
Redundant Torturous Colon-Nausea/Uncomfortable
Had a colonoscopy and this was the findings: Redundancy of the colon, to the sigmoid colon transverse colon, and both flexures obscuring portions of the...
Colon Resection for Diverticulitis and Chronic Constipation
Hi All, My name is Tracy. I had sigmoid colon resection just about 7 weeks ago for diverticulitis. Before surgery, I could count on one...
Multiple BMs every day
A year ago I had a sigmoid colonectomy. Within weeks I was having 15 BMs/day. I’ve been to 4 GI docs, had a colonoscopy, enteroscopy,...
Follow-up recommendations
Due to family history of colon CA and personal history of dozens of precancerous large adenamatous polyps, I was advised to get annual colonoscopies over...
Bladder sensation loss & retrograde ejaculation post colon surgery
A month ago I had a sigmoid colon resection due to diverticulitis. After I left the recovery room to my room i told the nurse...
Redundant Colon: What helps avoid surgery?
Redundant Colon resulting in twist in sigmoid I had an emergency sigmoidoscopy in October 2021 and further tests indicated a redundant colon. My consultant wanted...