301 total results
Very low rectal cancer, I've got so many questions
Hello all, Im new here.Im Gabriel, 49 years old diagnosed on march 11 th with low rectal tumor sessile 2.1 cm.after MRI it was discovered...
Stage 2a rectal cancer start Chemo: Does the PICC line hurt?
I had LAR surgery to remove tumour and pathology report was all good except tumour almost hit outer layer so T3 on report. Oncologist suggested...
Hi, just found out I have stage 3 rectal cancer
I'm 46, don't have any health issues, went in for routine colonospy and found out I have stage 3 rectal cancer with 4 suspected lymph...
11 Yrs Post Rectal Cancer Treatment: Still have chronic diarrhea: Help
I have to take close to 8 immodiums a day and that isn't enough some days. My rectum was completely removed (and I do not...
تعاني والدتي من ورم في المستقيم ماذا تنصحوني: Rectal Cancer: Advice?
Hello, my mother suffers from a tumor in the rectum, 6 cm from the anus. The doctor advised her to take a dose of chemotherapy,...
Where do I go from here? 34 year old son diagnosed with rectal cancer
My son was just diagnosed with stage three rectal cancer from an Oncologist here in Iowa. As their treatment plans are limited I want to...
Colon Cancer: Fecal Incontinence and Reversal Surgery
I have fecal incontinence post rectal cancer LAR and reversal and seek advice
Adenocarcinoma - just diagnosed
Hi - just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma rectal cancer after colonoscopy. Will go for CT scan and MRI to determine next steps. Any advice? So scared.
Colonoscopy prep: Pills vs liquid prep?
I heard there is a pill to replace liquid prep for colonoscopy, Is this true?? I had rectal cancer back in 2010. Have not had...
Lynch Syndrome Anybody?
Pretty sure my results are saying this. No one can follow up with me because it’s a holiday. Genetic meeting Thursday. Feel like this is...