Support Groups

Breast Cancer Support Group

Public Support Group
46 total results
Fat Necrosis
I have lumps where lymph nodes are that are sore. Onc says it's just fat necrosis. My surgeon told me to cone see her for...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: May 20 5:03am
Anyone have fat necrosis after breast reconstruction?
Anyone have Necrosis after reconstruction after mastechomy ? Please advise.
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Jun 8 6:39am
New Malignancy vs. Fat Necrosis on MRI. Anyone have this conflict?
Just had breast MRI with contrast and initial radiologist statement is: "New suspicious region of non-mass enhancement measuring approximately 7.5 x 3.3 x 5.0 cm....
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Nov 30, 2023
What do you use for pain from radiation fat necrosis or calcification?
I’m 14 months post radiation and started having a different pain in my breast where the radiation was focused. Because my lesion was in the...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Jan 8 5:09pm
Small lump under skin of reconstructed breasts
In Oct 2022 at age 48 I was diagnosed with stage 1 after I felt a small 1 cm lump. After an MRI and 4...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: May 28 5:34pm