Support Groups

Breast Cancer Support Group

Public Support Group
1,837 total results
Discussions (123)
Low Risk IDC w/ Baseline Multiple Painful Conditions
I'm wondering what others might do in my situation and would appreciate your thoughts. I'm 65 and have Gr 1, St 1c IDC, 2 tumors:...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Apr 14 4:04pm
Need a new oncologist in my network - Banner MD
I have been on tamoxifin for over 2 years, I've been seen every six months, my oncologist is not in my network and each visit...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Jun 14, 2019
Aromatase Inhibitors & carpal tunnel and trigger finger: Anyone?
14 mos of “AI” meds, I’m coping with daily hand-wrist-finger pain. I’m on my 3rd drug, having taken Anastrozole & Aromasin-each for 6 mos and...
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Last active: Mar 10 9:44am