Liver, Kidney, Pancreas Transplant: Second Chance Support Group, Mayo Florida

Liver, Kidney, Pancreas Transplant: Second Chance Support Group, Mayo Florida

Tue, May 31, 2022
11:00am to 12:00pm ET


Second Chance is a weekly in-person support group for Mayo Clinic patients and their caregivers pre- and post-transplant of the liver, kidney, and pancreas. Every Tuesday, the group provides support, education, and perspective or insight into the transplant process, especially recovery and life after transplant. Through facilitated discussion, members help members with their specific questions, needs, and concerns.

This support group is hosted on campus at Mayo Clinic Florida.

To connect with fellow transplant patients and caregivers online any time from any where, visit the online Transplants Group on Connect.

Mayo Clinic
Cannaday Building, Room 1050
4500 San Pablo Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32224

Michael Womack, LCSW

I have a lesion on my left kidney the size of 1.8 cm in October, 2021 and in April I had a repeat CT scan without contrast and the lesion is now 2.0 cm
I am unable to have contrast due to stage 3 kidney disease. What should I do going forward? How can I get more advice to what steps I need to take?
Please reply as soon as possible. I have an an appointment on June 1, 2022. Thanks so much. To give you ore information about me, October 19, 2021
I lost my spouse of 50 years and God is not ready for me yet because I have some more work to do with my sons and grandson and to volunteer more helping students and other organizations.


I have a lesion on my left kidney the size of 1.8 cm in October, 2021 and in April I had a repeat CT scan without contrast and the lesion is now 2.0 cm
I am unable to have contrast due to stage 3 kidney disease. What should I do going forward? How can I get more advice to what steps I need to take?
Please reply as soon as possible. I have an an appointment on June 1, 2022. Thanks so much. To give you ore information about me, October 19, 2021
I lost my spouse of 50 years and God is not ready for me yet because I have some more work to do with my sons and grandson and to volunteer more helping students and other organizations.

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Good morning... I am new to this group here, but have been on Second Chance Support Group for over a year now (my husband is 1 year post-op liver transplant). In answer to your question, do what the specialists tell you to do. Unfortunately, we cannot control everything that goes on with our bodies, so just focus on eating healthy, exercise, and having a positive outlook, and be around positive people. Focus on what you can control. I know you have an appointment today, and I pray it goes well. Like you said, God is not ready and you have more work to do.



I am a 78 year old Vietnam Veteran and was rendered 60% disabled (feels like that might be a bit low but I keep trying with exercise, diet, and not lifting things heavy!!! They say I have Peripheral Neuropathy based upon my exposure to Agent Orange way up North in Vietnam near the DMZ.

I have constant pain, tingling, and numbness in feet, hands, and can barely lift my arms above my shoulders. One doctor found I had really high toxic metals in my system Uranium being the highest (?), then Mercury, lead, and Boron. We tried a few naturopathic pills but did not seem to work. I tried Nerve Control 911 for over 2 months and it did not work and they will only refund half of my money back!!1 I am going to try Serve Regen.

Sure hope I can find answers. I am also very allergic to opiates so that is good as I don't like taking them anyway.
thank you and Semper Fi.

Best regards,

Fred R. Schneider

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