Liver and Liver & Kidney Transplant Support Meeting

Liver and Liver & Kidney Transplant Support Meeting

Tue, Nov 28, 2023
11:00am to 12:00pm ET


This is a virtual support group for Mayo Clinic patients and their caregivers pre- and post-transplant. This support group occurs every Tuesday at 11:00am to 12:00pm ET on Zoom (find your time zone). The group provides support, education, and perspective or insight into the transplant process, especially recovery and life after transplant. Through facilitated discussion, members help members with their specific questions, needs, and concerns.

It is open to all Mayo Clinic Florida, Arizona and Rochester patients.

This support group is hosted on Zoom. Pre-registration is required.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 133 4622

Passcode: liver

To connect with fellow transplant patients and caregivers online any time from any where, visit the online Transplants Support Group on Connect.




Rachael Remlinger, LCSW
Rachael Remlinger, LCSW
Phone: 904 956 3208

I am having chronic neck, shoulder and arm pain with severe pressure at the back of my head.


I am having chronic neck, shoulder and arm pain with severe pressure at the back of my head.

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Sounds like you might want to check with your provider. Hope you get some relief.


Sounds like you might want to check with your provider. Hope you get some relief.

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Been going through this for over 18 years with no answers from the doctors and specialists.


I have just been diagnosed with a in enlarged liver {16.5X23.0X17.6}; is this just within normal or what is the measurement of a normal liver? Also the report states There is diffuse increased echogenicity of the liver. Liver is heterogeneous overall. Areas of focal fatty-sparing are noted throughout intrahepatic ducts (what the heck does this mean}.
There is sludge within the gallbladder is that ok?

Is this the right group for these questions; I am in the chronic pain group as I have had chronic pain for 15 years and taking all types of prescribed medication to help with pain.

I have been expose to chemicals such as lead, PCP, agent orange, and chemicals in JP5 and other hydraulic fluids.

Thanks for the help.

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