Gynecologic Cancer Support Group: Women of S-Teal

Gynecologic Cancer Support Group: Women of S-Teal

Mon, Oct 9, 2023
5:30pm to 6:30pm ET


Join us for candid conversations about living with gynecologic cancer. This support group is for people who are newly diagnosed, receiving treatment or in surveillance. All patients and their caregivers are welcome to attend.

Monthly meetings are held every 2nd Monday of each month from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. ET (find your time zone)

Register on Zoom

Contact number for Oncology Social Work: 904-953-6831




Tanya Thomas, MSW, LCSW
Tanya Thomas, MSW, LCSW
Phone: 904-953-1621

I do not see my reply perhaps it did not go through- I did thank you and asked if you had help when you came home-I am a widow and live alone and wonder if I will need to hire help.

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Hello Susan,

Yes, indeed, I would not have survived both surgery and chemo without help.

Please let your doctor know. They might be able to suggest home care for you.

Or a neighbor? Anyone...


@susan1715 You definitely will not be riding a bike after the hysterectomy. 😆

It'll take you for weeks to heal, so be sure to have a lot of bone broth and other nutritional soft foods to eat too make going to the bathroom easier because the pain pills are necessary to take a prescribed and will make you constipation, unfortunately. A tip someone gave me was to walk back and forth across your room s couple of times when you get up to go to the bathroom. Light walking, as many steps as you can tolerate, given the pain, is good until the the second week of recovery passes. You will feel much better by the fourth week. However, remember not to lift anything over 10 pounds. Start strong with good nutrition. Soups and cereals like oatmeal are great. God bless you!

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Excellent advice and gas x, that was the worst of it for me that I remember. The belly is inflated with gas and can cause cramps. They try to get most out, but it’s common and could cause shoulder pain. Odd as it sounds.


Diagnosed 07/2012
received robotic surgery TAH.
received vaginal radiation
received chemotherapy of
Carboplatin / placitel
6 round every 21days
Then told cancer removed.

2016 DIAGNOSED same cancer returned
received RADIATION 5 days a week for 8-9 weeks
Then told cancer removed.

Cancer returned
Jan thru March 2023 received carboplatin and some other chemo drug
Once every 21 days
Stopped due to debilitating side effects
THEN CT shows metastasized 07/2023
received display in / gemzar
Had stroke effects treatment stopped THEN
14 DAYS later smaller dosages of display in and increased steroids to prevent adverse reaction given
LESS SEVERE side effect there cisplatin stopped and Gemzar only given EVERY 14 days August - September 2023
THEN admitted I to hospital 10/12/23 due to side effects of chemotherapy. CT done and was told TERMINAL no further treatment provided.
Told 6 MONTHS to live!!

My question from 07/23 CT to 10/23 CT even after receiving chemo then told above? How is it possible that in 2 months time doctors now see no improvement even giving chem every 14 days??

I feel that ENDOMETRIAL CANCER has not been addressed with research to cure the lesions that come back and patients are put through debilitating side effects with no real course of action thoroughly known to cure that cancer.
Maybe patients are better off without the misery of chemotherapy and it's side effects.
I feel used up by the oncologist group or team who agreed to continue in "hopes of" remission of disease when NO OTHER OPTION is researched to find a drug or systematic process to eradicate the cancer.
Just an FYI.
Thank for allowing me to share.


I was just diagnosed papillary source uterine cancer after a total hysterectomy. I would appreciate hearing women’s experiences with this cancer. A six-cycle of Carbo/Taxol chemo was recommended.

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Yes I've been down that road and that is exactly what I was diagnosed and the treatment was the same 08/2013
My doctor told me after 6 round at every 21 days
No lesions found.
THEN six years later 2016 lesions are back. So RADIATION was given in peritoneal area and after everyday 5 days a week for 8-9 weeks doctor said no lesions found.
Then 5or6 years later in 12/2022 CT scan shows lesions again.
This time carboplatin and some other chemo drug every 21 days from JAN-MARCH 2023 had to stop due to debilitating side effects. THEN 07/23 CT Scan shows metastasized lesions and Cisplatin and some drug called GEMZAR at every 14 days AUG.-SEPT 2023 had to stop Cisplatin due to almost gave me a stroke. Then only GEMZAR until 09/15/23.
Admitted into hospital 10/15/23 due to side effects and CT Scan shows metastasized and i was told only six months to live.
It just seems that doctors should have seen in July 2023 no need to put me through the horrible GEMZAR infusions.
I really feel endometrial cancer is not researched and therefore doctors shoot in the dark hoping for good results.
Thank you for allowing me to share.


Diagnosed 07/2012
received robotic surgery TAH.
received vaginal radiation
received chemotherapy of
Carboplatin / placitel
6 round every 21days
Then told cancer removed.

2016 DIAGNOSED same cancer returned
received RADIATION 5 days a week for 8-9 weeks
Then told cancer removed.

Cancer returned
Jan thru March 2023 received carboplatin and some other chemo drug
Once every 21 days
Stopped due to debilitating side effects
THEN CT shows metastasized 07/2023
received display in / gemzar
Had stroke effects treatment stopped THEN
14 DAYS later smaller dosages of display in and increased steroids to prevent adverse reaction given
LESS SEVERE side effect there cisplatin stopped and Gemzar only given EVERY 14 days August - September 2023
THEN admitted I to hospital 10/12/23 due to side effects of chemotherapy. CT done and was told TERMINAL no further treatment provided.
Told 6 MONTHS to live!!

My question from 07/23 CT to 10/23 CT even after receiving chemo then told above? How is it possible that in 2 months time doctors now see no improvement even giving chem every 14 days??

I feel that ENDOMETRIAL CANCER has not been addressed with research to cure the lesions that come back and patients are put through debilitating side effects with no real course of action thoroughly known to cure that cancer.
Maybe patients are better off without the misery of chemotherapy and it's side effects.
I feel used up by the oncologist group or team who agreed to continue in "hopes of" remission of disease when NO OTHER OPTION is researched to find a drug or systematic process to eradicate the cancer.
Just an FYI.
Thank for allowing me to share.

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This heartbreaking-certainly not encouraging-all I can say i am so sorry


So sorry about your condition. I hope you have more time left. You will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

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