Your experience during & after Transrectal Prostate Biopsy (TRUS)

Posted by somi @somi, Oct 19, 2023

Hi, my husband is scheduled for a trans rectal prostate biopsy tomorrow. His PSA has been rising and his urologist recommended it. I’ve read horrible accounts on the internet of complications and I was wondering if anyone would share their experience, both positive and negative. Has anyone had an uneventful recovery? I’m hoping he will delay the procedure until we know more. Thank you and God bless.

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I had three of these biopsies over a period of 4 years of active surveillance. The second biopsy, 16 cores, was done under anesthesia with propofol. The first and third were done with local anesthesia in office. I had 2 MRI’s also during my active surveillance period.
I never had any infections however I did have some soreness, tiredness and minor bleeding from each procedure.
I ended up having radical robotic prostatectomy at age 65 as my cancer progressed to Gleason 7 (3+4) with a lesion visible on last MRI.
I’m 2 years out now at age 67 and still testing undetectable psa. Thankfully my testing may have caught it early enough for effective treatment. I hope and pray for no recurrence. That said, the whole experience has changed my life and I continue to learn.
Best wishes on your pc journey.


The only problem for me was the blood in semen for the few weeks after the procedure. Definitely a mood killer. I had zero pain during and after the procedure. No other problems whatsoever. I've heard some tell horror stories, but I wonder how much is due to fear/stress or an inexperienced doctor. Some even demand to be put out for the procedure. I rank my experience somewhere between a tooth filling and a haircut, but much closer to a haircut. A teeth cleaning may be the closest experience. I chatted with doc during the entire procedure.


No trans perineal was not offered. No trouble was infection at all. Antibiotics were given pills and shot. Through all of this cancer testing and surgery never even had any infection with the exception of prostatious.

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That is good. The additional chance of infections is only 2%.
However there is no damage done to rectum. I think my urologist stated the infection rate for transpernial was 1 in 500. I did not want the extra chance of infections via rectum but mostly did not want the pain and anxiety of having it done rectally and awake.

I have PTSD Anxiety/Panic disorder so dealing with the added stress of this was not something I wanted to endure both mentally and physically. We are all different in what we can endure and even our pain thresholds.

I was corresponding with one person on MCC who did not want to do the Space/Oar and markers transpernial without being under anesthesia. I had mine done this way at UFPTI and other than pressure felt not a problem after I relaxed.

From my Space/Oar and markers my radiologist/oncologist said, "think of this way, we are putting something in versus biopsies taking something away."

To have it done (biopsies) transpernial takes anesthesia and a lot of urologist don't want the extra concerns that come with anesthesia complications. At Mayo Jacksonville the transperinial with anesthesia is considered surgery so you have an anesthesiologist and done in surgery room versus doctors office. This is at Mayo Jacksonville so don't know about other locations.

I think your doctor was very smart giving pills and shots for antibiotics. When I had the Space/Oar and markers my radiologist/oncologist took a smear to pinpoint the type of antibiotic best for me and I like you took before procedure. No problem like you.


Interesting thread. I had rectal biopsy with only lidocain local pain anesthesia. I experienced very little discomfort. Same was true for radiation marker implants and Hydrogel injection to protect rectum during Proton Beam Radiation at Mayo Clinic Rochester. Others I have spoken with had the same experience, bottom line if you can handle biopsy with local, you will likely only require local for any remaining procedures.

Important to remember that everyone experiences pain differently.


I had the trans-rectal biopsy maybe 10 months ago. I was put under for it. No problems.
Now.....about a month later they put in the "markers". By the next day I had a 102.7 temperature.
A bad infection, or UTI. A few days on antibiotics took care of that. Anyone else have to get
the fiducial markers?


I had the trans-rectal biopsy maybe 10 months ago. I was put under for it. No problems.
Now.....about a month later they put in the "markers". By the next day I had a 102.7 temperature.
A bad infection, or UTI. A few days on antibiotics took care of that. Anyone else have to get
the fiducial markers?

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q95oldies, Did they put your markers in rectally or transpernial?

I had biopsies done transpernial with anesthesia not rectal and anesthesia. I have not heard of markers being put in rectally they are usually transpernial (scrotum area).

I had the markers and Space/Oar done at same time transpernial. They gave me antibiotics to take before procedure. The used a smear test to determine which antibiotic was suited for me.

No issues at all even pain but could feel the Space/Oar as has a pressure type feeling.


Rectally. I'm sure the bacteria was introduced through that. No space/oar, just markers.
I had the antibiotic IV too before the procedure. Thanks for your information.


I had the trans-rectal biopsy maybe 10 months ago. I was put under for it. No problems.
Now.....about a month later they put in the "markers". By the next day I had a 102.7 temperature.
A bad infection, or UTI. A few days on antibiotics took care of that. Anyone else have to get
the fiducial markers?

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I had the markers inserted rectally for my salvage radiation, no problems at all with it.


No problem with a rectal biopsy performed after an ultrasound and multiparametric MRI revealed a likely tumor growth on one side of my prostate. As long as a rectal biopsy is performed at a center of excellence with appropriate pre and post bacterial infection risk management, the risk of complications are very low. If the risk is too much, others have provided info on the alternative biopsy procedure.

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@jsh327, any update? Was the "likely" tumor confirmed to be cancer?


@jsh327, any update? Was the "likely" tumor confirmed to be cancer?

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Thank you for the followup. The tumor was confirmed to be cancer and, after consultations, i had a radical prostatectomy operation earlier this month. Awaiting pathology report and onto the next steps.

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