Yeast infection in nose and mouth

Posted by skullbasecancer4 @skullbasecancer4, Nov 25, 2023

My daughter has had a yeast infection in her nose and mouth . She has been put on meds twice but then infections come back . So far , they told her to start a yeast free diet for three months and just did blood work , to test for autoimmune diseases . Anyone else experience this?
Thanks so much !

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If I am on antibiotic and steroids I can get yeast (Candida) infection in my mouth. Yeast can be very difficult to get rid off. Diflucan tablets (prescription) is usually prescribed along with Nystatin (prescription) as the drugs of choice. I had to do a few rounds of both after Covid last year. Get off of all sugar....sugar feeds yeast. I also have autoimmune diseases which weakens your immune system. I also take a really good Probiotic. A lof ot times if you have yeast in your mouth or nose, it's in your gut. I take Mega sporebiotic by Microbiome...they are not cheap and you can get them on Amazon or a health food store. Have her talk to her doctor before starting the probiotic. It's very strong and you have to start slow with it. I am so sorry she is battling this.Praying for relief for her. Blessings & Hugs...


I came across this book several years ago and found it to be a great resource. It has been updated several times so look for the most recent addition.
The Yeast Connection and Women's Health (The Yeast Connection Series) by William G. Crook (Author), Carolyn Dean Elizabeth B. Crook


I had oral yeast (Thrush) and intestinal yeast in the hospital a day after my hysterectomy - for reasons no one understood. It was 38 years ago so I don’t recall what med I was given, but it worked and I just added sugar free yogurt with live cultures to my diet. Later I added a probiotic.


A very, very old fashioned treatment for thrush (oral yeast infection) in children is " Gentian violet" -- the purple liquid that folks used to use on cuts, too. People used this before there were antibiotics for everything. When I was a kid back in the 1960s, there were always some kids in the school yard with big, purple Gentian Violet splotches on their knees.

Nearly 40 years ago, my daughter had thrush. The young pediatrician prescribed 2 or 3 rounds of a liquid medicine (maybe the nystatin that a previous poster mentioned) but it didn't work. The older pediatrician-- who seemed a little irritated with the younger doc-- told us to use the gentian violet, and it worked after one, single application! It worked on my sisters' babies, too.

If you want to use it, know that:
1. Do NOT swallow it;
2. It permanently stains everything it gets on. A Q-tip is a good applicator. It might make your gums and teeth look a little purple for a day or two;
3. You should check with your doctor before you use it!
4. If you have to ask a doctor or pharmacist for it, "gentian" is pronounced like jen - sen, with stress on the jen. I haven't seen it on the pharmacy shelf in a long time but I haven't needed to look for it, either.

Good luck--hope you can get rid of it soon!

(I really hope that we don't forget the effective treatments from before the era of antibiotics...I think we may need them again in the future as the bugs get resistant.)


If I am on antibiotic and steroids I can get yeast (Candida) infection in my mouth. Yeast can be very difficult to get rid off. Diflucan tablets (prescription) is usually prescribed along with Nystatin (prescription) as the drugs of choice. I had to do a few rounds of both after Covid last year. Get off of all sugar....sugar feeds yeast. I also have autoimmune diseases which weakens your immune system. I also take a really good Probiotic. A lof ot times if you have yeast in your mouth or nose, it's in your gut. I take Mega sporebiotic by Microbiome...they are not cheap and you can get them on Amazon or a health food store. Have her talk to her doctor before starting the probiotic. It's very strong and you have to start slow with it. I am so sorry she is battling this.Praying for relief for her. Blessings & Hugs...

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Thank you for your information. My daughter was tested for auto immune diseases and we are waiting for results . She is also on a yeast free diet. Meds definitely affected the yeast . She was prescribed these in the past , also two rounds but infections came back . We are trying to figure out what is triggering infections and why she can’t get rid of them . Did your auto immune diseases confirm a correlation between the infections and causes? Were you ever told to see an infectious disease doctor ? What type of doctors treated you ? Do you think Covid triggered infections ? Thank you so much .


A very, very old fashioned treatment for thrush (oral yeast infection) in children is " Gentian violet" -- the purple liquid that folks used to use on cuts, too. People used this before there were antibiotics for everything. When I was a kid back in the 1960s, there were always some kids in the school yard with big, purple Gentian Violet splotches on their knees.

Nearly 40 years ago, my daughter had thrush. The young pediatrician prescribed 2 or 3 rounds of a liquid medicine (maybe the nystatin that a previous poster mentioned) but it didn't work. The older pediatrician-- who seemed a little irritated with the younger doc-- told us to use the gentian violet, and it worked after one, single application! It worked on my sisters' babies, too.

If you want to use it, know that:
1. Do NOT swallow it;
2. It permanently stains everything it gets on. A Q-tip is a good applicator. It might make your gums and teeth look a little purple for a day or two;
3. You should check with your doctor before you use it!
4. If you have to ask a doctor or pharmacist for it, "gentian" is pronounced like jen - sen, with stress on the jen. I haven't seen it on the pharmacy shelf in a long time but I haven't needed to look for it, either.

Good luck--hope you can get rid of it soon!

(I really hope that we don't forget the effective treatments from before the era of antibiotics...I think we may need them again in the future as the bugs get resistant.)

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Does the Gentian Violet stain your teeth as an adult? Baby teeth are different. Thank you and Blessings to you.


Thank you for your information. My daughter was tested for auto immune diseases and we are waiting for results . She is also on a yeast free diet. Meds definitely affected the yeast . She was prescribed these in the past , also two rounds but infections came back . We are trying to figure out what is triggering infections and why she can’t get rid of them . Did your auto immune diseases confirm a correlation between the infections and causes? Were you ever told to see an infectious disease doctor ? What type of doctors treated you ? Do you think Covid triggered infections ? Thank you so much .

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Skullbasecancer4, I was just diagnosed with Gene Mutation and my body does not detox nor does it absorb Folates (B Vitamins). I inherited 1 gene from my mom and 1 from my dad and was born with this. This explains a lot as to why I have so many upper respiratory infections and was my Mom's sickly child. Perhaps this is something she can be tested for.....Our Western Medicine do not usually check for this so you would have to go to an Integrative Medicine Doctor. Someone that "thinks outside the box". It is out of pocket for me and not cheap, but, I am encouraged that I'm getting to the root of my problem and chronic infections & other health issues. I'm putting your questions in numbers:
1) Yes, there is a correlation in autoimmune diseases and infections.
2) I went to an infectious disease doctor after Covid which left me with mucousy saliva in back of throat (which I still have) that would not go away and she didn't find a thing. No offense to doctors and specialists, but, they are still learning about Covid and how to treat Long Covid.
3) I see an endocrinologist (I have both thyroid diseases), rheumatologist (I have borderline Lupus or mixed connective tissue disease....can't give me a definite answer), I see my Primary Doctor and ENT for recurring sinus infections and I see a Pulmonologist for chronic asthma, bronchitis and pnuemonia since having COVID.
4) Yes, I was diagnosed with Long COVID and yes, it has triggered more infections, especially sinus infections, asthma/asthmatic bronchitis & I am more prone to pneumonia. I never had pneumonia in my life until I got Covid last year.
5) If she goes to a Rheumatologist and her inflammation markers are not high enough, most of the time, they cannot give you a definite answer as to what she has and will say it is borderline and to just watch for symptoms.

I am praying for you and her. I know this is so long and drawn out for her and you and frustrating. There is hope. All my love & prayers. Keep me posted.


Does the Gentian Violet stain your teeth as an adult? Baby teeth are different. Thank you and Blessings to you.

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HI covidstinks2023,

I don't know about its use in adults. My sisters and I used it on our infant children with thrush-- at the direction of the pediatrician. We all used the same pediatrician.
[Side note-- He was the heir of the pediatrician who treated us as children. Kind of unusual nowadays. My mother trusted our pediatrician absolutely. My mom's sister was a nurse at a teaching hospital and she scrutinized all of the doctors who trained there. Whenever we needed a doctor, we would ask her for a recommendation. She knew who was good and who was an "ass". It was such a help to have the inside scoop on the doctors!]

If it's safe enough for and effective in infants, then it seems reasonable to think it would be safe enough for and potentially effective in adults.

Thanks for the blessings-- back at you : )


Skullbasecancer4, I was just diagnosed with Gene Mutation and my body does not detox nor does it absorb Folates (B Vitamins). I inherited 1 gene from my mom and 1 from my dad and was born with this. This explains a lot as to why I have so many upper respiratory infections and was my Mom's sickly child. Perhaps this is something she can be tested for.....Our Western Medicine do not usually check for this so you would have to go to an Integrative Medicine Doctor. Someone that "thinks outside the box". It is out of pocket for me and not cheap, but, I am encouraged that I'm getting to the root of my problem and chronic infections & other health issues. I'm putting your questions in numbers:
1) Yes, there is a correlation in autoimmune diseases and infections.
2) I went to an infectious disease doctor after Covid which left me with mucousy saliva in back of throat (which I still have) that would not go away and she didn't find a thing. No offense to doctors and specialists, but, they are still learning about Covid and how to treat Long Covid.
3) I see an endocrinologist (I have both thyroid diseases), rheumatologist (I have borderline Lupus or mixed connective tissue disease....can't give me a definite answer), I see my Primary Doctor and ENT for recurring sinus infections and I see a Pulmonologist for chronic asthma, bronchitis and pnuemonia since having COVID.
4) Yes, I was diagnosed with Long COVID and yes, it has triggered more infections, especially sinus infections, asthma/asthmatic bronchitis & I am more prone to pneumonia. I never had pneumonia in my life until I got Covid last year.
5) If she goes to a Rheumatologist and her inflammation markers are not high enough, most of the time, they cannot give you a definite answer as to what she has and will say it is borderline and to just watch for symptoms.

I am praying for you and her. I know this is so long and drawn out for her and you and frustrating. There is hope. All my love & prayers. Keep me posted.

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@covidstinks2023 hi there again! Sorry to read about your continued “adventures”.
I got COVID a month ago for the first time, and am still having issues with my sinuses, and coughing up copious amounts of mucus. It’s nowhere’s near as bad as it was during the COVID week but it is still there.
I am ready for it to go away!

Hopefully you’ll be better soon. Blessings!


@covidstinks2023 hi there again! Sorry to read about your continued “adventures”.
I got COVID a month ago for the first time, and am still having issues with my sinuses, and coughing up copious amounts of mucus. It’s nowhere’s near as bad as it was during the COVID week but it is still there.
I am ready for it to go away!

Hopefully you’ll be better soon. Blessings!

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Bless You. It took a while for the sinus and coughing to go away from COVID. The mucous took longer. It's thick clear mucous. I still have it in the back of my throat and I just got over Covid for a 2nd time. Guafenesin (Sp?) helps to thin mucous. I used the sustain release 400 mg from Amazon per my doctor's recommendation. I am not on it now. I drank lots of water and gargled with salt water rinse. I hope this helps. It's a nasty virus my friend. Praying for you to get over this soon.

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