YAG Laser Iridotomy Complications

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Sep 25, 2016

Has anyone had a laser iridotomy with resultant "ghost images" or a crescent of light in field of vision?

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Do you have dry eyes? After laser surgery they could get more dry and cause a lot of symptoms. BTW, it can affect your vision. My right eye caused cloudy vision and I went to the Eye ER. Diagnosed with blepharitis and dry eyes.
I would question this with your opthalmologist first. I have dry eyes again after 10 years and trying to get them settled down before the iridotomy.
I don't know what BB is, but I would see about dry eyes first, which can resolve with the right treatment.
Hope this helps.

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angelg....thank you for your comments on Yag Laser.
The BB I was talking about is a small metal ball that goes into a gun.
I have one imbedded in my right temple of my head.
I should have told the opthamologist.
I was told never to have an MRI.
I could have asked if the laser would do damage to my eyes.
Thanks for your help and advice.....Janet Brock


I have had Yag Laser on my 2 eyes. Afterward I felt that something was wrong.
I could not focus, had tears, and they feel not perfect.
I failed to tell opthamologist that I had a BB in my temple on the head.
Generally I was told not to ever have an MRI.
I did not think that would affect my vision after the Yag procedure.
I did see a new opthamologist but did not tell him about the BB in temple.
I think I should have told him about this BB.
Now I am feeling after affects in both eyes.
Any advice from someone else?

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Do you have dry eyes? After laser surgery they could get more dry and cause a lot of symptoms. BTW, it can affect your vision. My right eye caused cloudy vision and I went to the Eye ER. Diagnosed with blepharitis and dry eyes.
I would question this with your opthalmologist first. I have dry eyes again after 10 years and trying to get them settled down before the iridotomy.
I don't know what BB is, but I would see about dry eyes first, which can resolve with the right treatment.
Hope this helps.


I have been advised by my ophthalmologist to have a YAG Laser Iridotomy, I am having concerns about this procedure, basically the after effects and or the pain during the procedure, If anyone out there have had this procedure done will you kindly share your experience and after affects. Thank you in advance.

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I have had Yag Laser on my 2 eyes. Afterward I felt that something was wrong.
I could not focus, had tears, and they feel not perfect.
I failed to tell opthamologist that I had a BB in my temple on the head.
Generally I was told not to ever have an MRI.
I did not think that would affect my vision after the Yag procedure.
I did see a new opthamologist but did not tell him about the BB in temple.
I think I should have told him about this BB.
Now I am feeling after affects in both eyes.
Any advice from someone else?


She sounds wonderful and brave. I've read a lot of articles about ophthalmologists being afraid to dilate or say let's wait if the angles are very narrow, just in case, they don't want to be blamed for an angle closure. But your doctor is so prepared and sounds so smart.

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I left a message for her to call me on Wednesday. Hopefully she's agreeable.


She only does it every 2 years, because she said its important to check the retina. I agree, especially because my mother had 2 retinal detachments. She checks my angles and my pressures before she does it. She also said if it sent me into an acute attack, she has all of the instruments she needs in the office to stop it. Regardless, my eyes were dilated and I had no problems whatsoever. And I know that my retina is healthy. She's young but she's conservative, and I like that. She said no reason to rush into iridotomy if not necessary because that can come with its own set of problems.

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She sounds wonderful and brave. I've read a lot of articles about ophthalmologists being afraid to dilate or say let's wait if the angles are very narrow, just in case, they don't want to be blamed for an angle closure. But your doctor is so prepared and sounds so smart.


Why would she dilate your eyes? Just curious. It can cause an acute narrow angle closure. Why is dilation so important especially if you have mild narrow angles? Thanks

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In my case, it's due to diabetes why they have to dilate you.


She only does it every 2 years, because she said its important to check the retina. I agree, especially because my mother had 2 retinal detachments. She checks my angles and my pressures before she does it. She also said if it sent me into an acute attack, she has all of the instruments she needs in the office to stop it. Regardless, my eyes were dilated and I had no problems whatsoever. And I know that my retina is healthy. She's young but she's conservative, and I like that. She said no reason to rush into iridotomy if not necessary because that can come with its own set of problems.


I just saw this post. I have very similar situation to you- except I have a wonderful Neuro Ophthalmologist that I trust implicitly. In fact, I just went for my 6 month checkup last week. She dilated my eyes because we had not done that in 2 years. Everything looks great, and my angles are narrow, but mildly and have not changed a bit since my last appointment. Her recommendation is, and always has been, that she will not do the iridotomy until I am at least 50% angle. She also reassured me that just knowing that I have this enough for now because I know the signs to look for in acute angle closure, which she said in normal pressure eyes with mildly narrow angles, acute closure is rare. When we discussed what will happen when we get to that point, she mentioned that the 9'oclock position is what she would do.

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Why would she dilate your eyes? Just curious. It can cause an acute narrow angle closure. Why is dilation so important especially if you have mild narrow angles? Thanks


I just saw this post. I have very similar situation to you- except I have a wonderful Neuro Ophthalmologist that I trust implicitly. In fact, I just went for my 6 month checkup last week. She dilated my eyes because we had not done that in 2 years. Everything looks great, and my angles are narrow, but mildly and have not changed a bit since my last appointment. Her recommendation is, and always has been, that she will not do the iridotomy until I am at least 50% angle. She also reassured me that just knowing that I have this enough for now because I know the signs to look for in acute angle closure, which she said in normal pressure eyes with mildly narrow angles, acute closure is rare. When we discussed what will happen when we get to that point, she mentioned that the 9'oclock position is what she would do.

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Thanks for responding. I'm in a dilemma. The gonioscopy is subjective, it's what the doctor sees. Going to too many specialists I found is a mistake. The second GS said she said I had anatomical narrow angles and could most likely live with them without ever angle closure, she can't guarantee, though, that is why they suggest an iridotomy. They don't want to be responsible for an angle closure if it happens. She did not grade it or give me how narrow they are. Now the first one who misdiagnosed me told me it was a 10B, which is mild, but tried to schedule me immediately for the procedure.

I went to a third specialist who said it was about 30% opened. She started out saying I could come to her every 3 months to have it checked. Then read the other notes from the opthamologists and decided I should have it done when I'm ready.

I am so confused, now I have dry eyes and blepharitis, mild from being afraid to wash my eyes good, been using dry eye drops, but now twice a day. Had to go to the Eye ER because my right eye was blurry. The opthalmologist said it was very dry. I'm doing the treatments, the best I can and it's not blurry anymore. He also, without an gonioscopy said to get the iridotomy. My pressures are absolutely perfect 10 to 13 depending on iCare or Goldman's.

I'm going to call the last opthalmologist I saw and ask if she will see me in 2 to 3 months. I do not want an iridotomy if my eyes are dry and have bleph. I can't even find a doctor to follow me through these dry eyes. This city is worthless with doctors who care and make a plan, follow up with you. It's get an iridotomy no matter what. I guess they are scared. It is the patient's decision, chance of an attack or get the iridotomy.

You are lucky, sounds like you have a very good opthalmologist who is looking out for you.

Right now I'm lost. I thought I was going to the best. My mistake was showing the last opthalmologist my records. I was hoping she would make her own decision, but I assume she doesn't want to go against her colleagues decisions.


I'm scheduled for an iridotomy in May, no elevated eye pressures ever. Went to get eyeglasses in Dec '22 and was diagnosed with narrow angles, was told to see an opthamologist in one month. I've been full of anxiety about going blind since then.

I went to see an opthalmologist one month later and only had the gonioscopy done, pressures were normal. MD diagnosed me with Chronic closed narrow angle glaucoma. I asked him why the diagnosis, and he told me to read the glaucoma pamphlet. Asked him why he didn't check my optic nerve or visual fields, do an OCT scan? He said my eyes needed to be dilated for these tests, but I had researched this and eyes do not need to be dilated for a comprehensive exam to rule out glaucoma. While I was in the office, he scheduled me for an iridotomy in 2 weeks?

I was suspicious about the diagnosis and why I didn't have a comprehensive exam with him, I let him know via phone, he then referred me to a glaucoma specialist. I went one month later, (hard to get an appointment). All tests were done, optic nerve was perfect, peripheral vision was normal, OCT scan normal. My narrow angles measured about the same (mild, according to one chart I found )? The glaucoma specialist changed my diagnosis to narrow angles. Said I did not have glaucoma and was confused about the diagnosis. She gave me 2 to 3 months to schedule the LPI, but said the majority of people with my anatomical narrow angles, no glaucoma never have acute attacks, but suggested I have the iridotomy at the 9 o'clock position on the left eye. My eyes are light brown! Will it be noticeable? She said she read a lot of research about less side effects post with the 9 o'clock position. I have a call in for her to return to find out how many patients she's done the laser on at the 9 o'clock position, side effects, and about my daily stress headaches for 23 years, also other things that I didn't mention.

My vision has not decreased, been wearing glasses since a child only inside. I've had a bad astigmatism in left eye since I was 7 years old. Of course I'm nearsighted and the farsighted came with age.

I'm planning on getting a third opinion, have not chosen an opthalmologist specialist yet, since I don't need a glaucoma specialist anymore, hopefully it will be soon.

I'm so nervous about this whole thing, I can't live with side effects from the iridotomy due to my stress level. I work from home every day. I want my life to be normal. I know the devastating effects of angle closure and DO NOT want to go blind or be miserable the rest of my life.

These posts, mostly from 2016 have been mostly helpful, but got progressively more disheartening as they went on due to side effects post LPI. I don't think I have a choice 🙁

Any newer experiences with post laser iridotomies, positioning of the laser shots, especially the 9 o'clock position, and side effects would be greatly appreciated.

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I just saw this post. I have very similar situation to you- except I have a wonderful Neuro Ophthalmologist that I trust implicitly. In fact, I just went for my 6 month checkup last week. She dilated my eyes because we had not done that in 2 years. Everything looks great, and my angles are narrow, but mildly and have not changed a bit since my last appointment. Her recommendation is, and always has been, that she will not do the iridotomy until I am at least 50% angle. She also reassured me that just knowing that I have this enough for now because I know the signs to look for in acute angle closure, which she said in normal pressure eyes with mildly narrow angles, acute closure is rare. When we discussed what will happen when we get to that point, she mentioned that the 9'oclock position is what she would do.

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