YAG Laser Iridotomy Complications

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Sep 25, 2016

Has anyone had a laser iridotomy with resultant "ghost images" or a crescent of light in field of vision?

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I have been advised by my ophthalmologist to have a YAG Laser Iridotomy, I am having concerns about this procedure, basically the after effects and or the pain during the procedure, If anyone out there have had this procedure done will you kindly share your experience and after affects. Thank you in advance.


Hi @jigglejaws94, welcome to Connect. I found some information on laser iridotomy that says the following:

"Mild light sensitivity and a scratchy feeling on the surface of the eye are also common for 24-72 hours after the procedure. Very rarely, the patient may experience an extra “ghost image” through the tiny opening in the iris. This may be annoying for a while but almost all of the few patients who develop this complication eventually get used to it." Here is the article in case you'd like to read it in-depth: http://bit.ly/2d3Alam

Since this is a more rare side-effect, you may still want to follow up with your doctor about what you're experiencing. I'm also tagging @jinngee who has written about laser iridotomy in the past and might be able to weigh in as well. How long ago was your procedure?

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And thanks also about the article. I have read it previously.


Thanks. I am following up and awaiting a phone call from my doctor. n the meantime, I have done some research and have found several studies and mentions that the superior placement (between 11 and 1 o'clock) tend to have more problems with halos, crescents, light problems through that new whole. The main thought is that the tear meniscus at the edge of the upper lid creates a base-up prism effect when overlapping the position of the LPI. One article suggested lifting the eyelid to see if the light resolves -- mine does. Well, I can't sit around lifting my eyelid all the time. BUT, I will not have a superior placement in my left eye. The suggestion is 3 or 9 o'clock position. I never would have imagined that if the LPI was covered with the upper eyelid that there would be a problem. But apparently EVEN in cases where the hole is completely covered with the eyelid -- this problem can occur. Interesting, huh? No fun messing with eyes. Especially eyes that were seeing just fine and now aren't. Blah.


Hi @jigglejaws94, welcome to Connect. I found some information on laser iridotomy that says the following:

"Mild light sensitivity and a scratchy feeling on the surface of the eye are also common for 24-72 hours after the procedure. Very rarely, the patient may experience an extra “ghost image” through the tiny opening in the iris. This may be annoying for a while but almost all of the few patients who develop this complication eventually get used to it." Here is the article in case you'd like to read it in-depth: http://bit.ly/2d3Alam

Since this is a more rare side-effect, you may still want to follow up with your doctor about what you're experiencing. I'm also tagging @jinngee who has written about laser iridotomy in the past and might be able to weigh in as well. How long ago was your procedure?

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