Would be new procedure to address my right torn rotator cuff tendon?

Posted by bonefragment @bonefragment, Jun 24, 2023

When I was much younger but married I hit a hole in ground and flipped up and downward (mountain bike) and struck the ground on my right shoulder tearing the tendon from the bone. My Doctor advised to not do surgery as it could end up arthritic. It was a long road to recovery but I proceeded and was able to regain my strength and passion for fitness. Now I am 71 and still fit but recently my shoulder has came back to haunt me. I have reduced my weights in order to again recover.
The question I have is there a possibility to under go surgery and fix the problem to regain a stronger connection.
Will take a picture that should show how my shoulder droops due to the severed tendon.
I want to continue all my activities which include core, running, biking, weights. The pain is throbbing dull ache inside the rotator cuff area.
So if the is new methods of repair I would like to hear from you,

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You should talk to a surgeon that specializes in that type of surgery. One of my good friends had it (it was partially torn, but hadn't detached). I have a problem similar to his but have to wait for a while longer. My friend's surgery came out really well.


Agree with you on this advice. Any injury this serious should be evaluated by an orthopedic physician who is trained in shoulder repair. I had surgery in November for my left shoulder with the following: complete tear & detached supraspinitus tendon, plus 2 other partially torn and detached tendons. My AC joint also needed decompression. It was not pretty but was done outpatient, I had 2 months of non-movement of the arm and have been in physical therapy since. I have regained full movement of the arm but have been warned not to lift anything with that arm for at least 18 months. I can use the forearm to lift while keeping my elbow tucked into my waist. Strengthening is taking a long time but using elastic bands and hand weights is working. You will definitely need a great physical therapist. I did pre-PT before the surgery which helped tremendously. There are lots of helpful YouTube videos to advise you on how to get through the initial recovery such as sleeping in a recliner so as not to roll onto your shoulder. Good Luck!


I had a revision of my R RTC that was injured firstly 10 years ago. This time (May 2022) the doc used a “patch” of living tissue to grow into existing tissue. I got my range of motion back very soon but building strength was a problem. It never completely healed. I have pain and limited lifting. I am a 64 year old woman and was recently diagnosed with Central Pain Amplification. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Take care.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Doctor. Will post the details according to him. My original injury was most likely around 25 years ago.


Went to my GP and had an X-ray done and haven't heard a peep. Was on TEVA NAPROXEN EC 500 mg. Great for pain and reduces inflammation. Suppose to have Ultrasound but nothing yet.
So GP said doesn't appear to be completely torn from the Mountain Bike accident. I guess I have to wait which seems to be the trend.
Disappointed because I love to stay fit and at 71.
However I worked my way through this way back when and will continue on with my training and rehab.

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