Wondering about low WBC in bloodwork
I'm just over a year out from successful radiation and chemotherapy. My recovery has been going well despite some dental issues that led to extreme (25-30 lbs) weight loss that is currently maintaining at a regular BMI. My main question is anyone have any input on a persistent low WBC ? My oncologist had ordered an additional draw to look for infection, autoimmune issues, and copper levels- all healthy. She's recommending a bone marrow biopsy to see what's up. Has anyone experienced these same issues? Any wisdom?
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Hi @lollie and welcome. I haven't experienced similar but I would think someone reading this has. One would think an infection would be indicated by a high WBC, not low. The bone marrow check should be helpful but it is a rather uncomfortable procedure. When it comes to wisdom on this subject, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a dry well.
Hi William- thank you for your input. My oncologist ordered panels to check for infection, autoimmune issues, and copper levels and they all came back normal...she said there are a very low number of patients that have a chronic low WBC post treatments. It appears unusual (as no one on this forum seems to have had this experience). I guess just another step in my post cancer (YAY!!!) life!
Lollie, I thought about my previous response in the night and perhaps I should have been less clinical and more to the deeper issue. The deeper issue being “Why is something else going on / why can’t I just be healthy again / how much more can one person take?”
The recovery from Chemo and in particular Radiation takes years. Every time we take a few steps forward, we make plans, we think we are on the mend, we get hit upside the head and we are back at the doctors getting more tests.
The years when every ailment sends our mind to think the cancer is back seems to never go away. Somehow we just get comfortable with that ugly monkey on our backs.
I’m sorry you are early on this road. These small battles you still have to contend with even though you are told you are on the mend. If I could take this road for you, if I could carry you I would, for I know in the end the journey is worth the difficulty. Courage is your walking stick whilst I can only encourage from afar. Know that you are loved; draw strength from that.
I do draw strength from that; I have an excellent support system and have gotten pretty good at putting little medical hassles where they belong...in the "hey, I don't have cancer" or "I don't have to get clamped down to a table for radiation today" column. I knew before the whole cancer extravaganza that ya just have to take life one day at a time and the most important thing on this planet is loving each other- beating cancer just magnified them in my heart. I don't leave kind words unsaid. I deeply appreciate your input and want you to know you really helped me!
@lollie, have you been scheduled for the bone marrow biopsy?
Yes I have Colleen...it's scheduled mid April. I told my oncologist that over the next couple months I was going to do whatever I can with supplements and diet to boost WBC and that hopefully bloodwork will change and we can cancel the biopsy.