Will lumbar spinal fusion solve my leg pain or just add new pain?

Posted by roma76 @roma76, Jul 15, 2023

I have spinal stenosis with increasing leg pain and decreasing ability to walk, stand, or do PT work. Next week I will have L4-L5 fusion with bone graft. I’m anxious about the surgery but also worn out from the leg and hip pain. Anyone else have this fusion surgery? Did it add new pain or resolve the leg pain once the nerves were freed up? Thanks for any input.

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@roma76 well by now you’ve had your surgery and her post operative by days. I had my same fusion in 1992 with stainless steel bars. Since then I’ve had ongoing issues having not continued my PT daily. So my best advice is once you get a home PT program do not ever stop it. Once you damage your spine you have chance of long term crap unless your keep caring for your back. Keep your weight down, don’t smoke and don’t fall and injure your back. The titanium cages they used should do you well for a life time. Good luck.

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Wonderful advice; thank you. I will be following it, for sure.


The leg pain is the WORST! Mine is in constant cramping mode from top of left buttock down to my toes. No meds touch it.
I’m scheduled for a L5S1 fusion in 4 days and praying it provides relief. I am currently debilitated and ready to get back to living.
Any advice on what to take for the hospital stay would be greatly appreciated. Praying you heal quickly and the pain subsides!

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I had a 2013 fusion of L-3,4,5 and the issues I was experiencing went away. Of course having an arthritic back I have different problems doubt there’s but nothing is as bad as my feet going dead after standing or walking for a few minutes. The fusion was the best thing I could’ve done.


Hi! I am now 10 days out from L4-L5 fusion. No leg pain at all dispute being crippled by it before surgery. Recovery is going quite well with more activity each day and less systemic “blahs” each day. I have felt like someone with flu and a backache much of the time. That leg pain was so ferocious I had thought nothing could be that painful. With respect to post op pain, I was certainly correct. No one warned me about the muscle soreness of thighs, hips, and butt after this surgery. I was face down on a flat table (after spending 4months in self imposed flexion posture) for the 5 hour surgery. Hence the feeling like I had just completed a track event. Other than that and feeling more tired than expected this 10 days has been close to expectations. I feel very blessed to not be among those with scary stories of pain and disability. My heartfelt wishes to those brave people who check it out, learn the complex lingo, then plunge in to the surgery. May you ALL enjoy recovered function and joy of life!

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I had a lumbar laminectomy on July 12th. L2 L3 L4 and L5. Am having terrible pain in my groin and my right leg is numb from my hip to my toes. No one knows what to do for me


The leg pain is the WORST! Mine is in constant cramping mode from top of left buttock down to my toes. No meds touch it.
I’m scheduled for a L5S1 fusion in 4 days and praying it provides relief. I am currently debilitated and ready to get back to living.
Any advice on what to take for the hospital stay would be greatly appreciated. Praying you heal quickly and the pain subsides!

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I had a lumbar laminectomy on July 12th and now I have no feeling in my right leg all the way down to my toes. I had so many MRI'S XRAYS CT SCANS that I can't even count them. The doctors do not know what to do to help me. I am at my wits end.


Are you in or near a center that can assess and manage you as a pain case? Pain Centers are very focused on these unusual cases and might be able to help treat the pain you are having. I sure hope so.


I am so sorry that your pain is so bad. I hope as you heal from the laminectomy this will wane. Are they able to give you anything for some relief? Does ice help at all? Here’s to steady improvement.

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My ice bags leak all over and I can't find 1 that don't. Advice anyone?


Where can I buy an icebag that doesn't leak?


I have spinal stenosis don’t know what to do next. Had epidural but doesn’t help. Stomach giving me issues from ibprofen. Told to start lyrica. Afraid of side affects. Thinking of going to Arizona get opinion afraid of surgery. Drs not very helpful in Las Vegas. Any suggestions what to do next and help with the pain. Vera


My ice bags leak all over and I can't find 1 that don't. Advice anyone?

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The blue gel packs that hospitals use are the best for application of cold. You can keep them in the freezer. They can be shaped to your body where needed. Be sure to cover with a cloth against your skin to avoid an ice burn. I just keep the cloth wrapped on the gel pack in the freezer as well so I can just pull it out and use it.


I had L4-L5 fusion with graft, plate and 4 screws back in December. Prior to surgery the pain down my right leg was unbearable forcing me to get around in a wheel chair. I am very active and in good shape and the surgery was 100% successful. I was up and walking the day after surgery and increased my distance weekly. The key is to get a great dr and get up and move. I was back on the tennis court 10 weeks later.
Good luck!!!!

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