Will cyst that busted turn to gain green if it smells like dead animal

If I have a friend who has a cyst/tumor busy on his lower jaw, and it smells like dead animal he won't wash it , or do nothing! The smell is unbearable! What should I do?! It's getting bigger I think and looks like he was shot in the cheek! Omg.!

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Hi @lindafeliciamunoz1983 and welcome. A cyst when opened can smell bad for several reasons including general rot, cancer, or any severe infection including Gangrene. Either way this must be looked at by a doctor now. It will not get better with time. It will not go away on it's own. Every hour wishing it will go away allows it to only get worse. Personally I would be taking my friend to the Emergency Room at Hospital today unless of course they can get with a doctor on Monday.
I am not a doctor but I have seen enough in my years where delay only causes greater problems. In the meantime, the search bar on top of this page can bring you a lot of discussions in you just type in Cyst. We are patients helping patients through experience.
Can you share the results of the doctor's exam so someone here might have some answers for you?

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