Why vaccinated ,mask, perfect health caught severe case from family?

Posted by oldrocker @oldrocker, Jan 12 6:27pm

Hi there:

Hoping you can give some insight. I am 63 years old in excellent health (Prior to the positive Covid test), every level in the body was normal in yearly blood/urine tests, weight the same since high-school, non-drinker, non-smoker, never used a recreational or illegal drug. I am fully vaccinated and since March 2020 do not go anywhere without a mask (even to open the door and check the weather) and hand sanitizer. Had not a fever since 2009 and typically get sick only 2 days a year.

A family member came home and tested positive for Covid late December. Fortunately they had a mild case, the opposite was for me and that is where the question comes in.

I had every symptom you could think of excluding a sore throat.
Day 3 breathing was so bad I would every half hour gasp for breath and went to the hospital (They gave 4 breathing treatments that rectified the issue at once)
Constipation then diarrhea
Could not concentrate on anything, including watching TV, listening to the radio, or using the computer
Tired but could not sleep
Slightly stuffed nose
Constant cough (severe)
Slight headache
Skin broke out in rashes
The worst itching you could think of
No Appetite or desire to drink
Legs felt weak
101 temperature

Thankfully, I am now fine. The question is what did I do wrong all these years, that I would end up with such a severe case of Covid when the body was in such good shape prior, wore a mask, used hand sanitizer, and almost never sick?

Thank you for your time,
Old Rocker

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COVID affects everyone differently. You will never know if you might have gotten even more ill without your excellent health and self care. That is wonderful that you totally recovered.


COVID affects everyone differently. You will never know if you might have gotten even more ill without your excellent health and self care. That is wonderful that you totally recovered.

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Thank you for the kind words.

May 2024 bring you and family best of health!


Hey there, old rocker
Love your handle!
I don't think that you did anything wrong at all.
Back in the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic (which took the life of my great uncle), the highest mortality rate was among the young, healthy people (18-25 yrs old). Some scientists speculate that those young people had such good immune systems that it was their bodies' strong effort to eliminate the virus that actually killed them-- something like their lungs got too filled up with some good thing.
Others speculate that that age group hadn't been exposed to similar viruses, like the older people had. But that doesn't explain why younger than 18 year olds survived better.
It's a hundred years later and science, to my knowledge, still isn't 100% certain about the 1918 flu. I guess we will have to wait a long time, if ever, to know what the heck this Covid is all about. Not a very satisfying situation for us, but a realistic one, I think. In my opinion, anyone who claims to have all the answers about Covid is either a liar or a fool. It's been hard to live with all of the uncertainty, hasn't it?
My grandmother actually witnessed and remembered the 1918 Flu epidemic. And she told me about it. It hit Philadelphia really hard. The local government wouldn't cancel a WW 1 parade, so a lot of people got exposed and sick and died. There are a lot of interesting books about it.


I must agree, you got a very bad case of covid infection but you survived it probably due to your excellent health, it would have worse if you weren’t strong, also you didn’t mention having ongoing symptoms such as long covid so consider yourself twice blessed, good luck and keep up the good work staying safe.


Hey there, old rocker
Love your handle!
I don't think that you did anything wrong at all.
Back in the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic (which took the life of my great uncle), the highest mortality rate was among the young, healthy people (18-25 yrs old). Some scientists speculate that those young people had such good immune systems that it was their bodies' strong effort to eliminate the virus that actually killed them-- something like their lungs got too filled up with some good thing.
Others speculate that that age group hadn't been exposed to similar viruses, like the older people had. But that doesn't explain why younger than 18 year olds survived better.
It's a hundred years later and science, to my knowledge, still isn't 100% certain about the 1918 flu. I guess we will have to wait a long time, if ever, to know what the heck this Covid is all about. Not a very satisfying situation for us, but a realistic one, I think. In my opinion, anyone who claims to have all the answers about Covid is either a liar or a fool. It's been hard to live with all of the uncertainty, hasn't it?
My grandmother actually witnessed and remembered the 1918 Flu epidemic. And she told me about it. It hit Philadelphia really hard. The local government wouldn't cancel a WW 1 parade, so a lot of people got exposed and sick and died. There are a lot of interesting books about it.

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Hi Annwoodmayo:

Thank you for such an articulate response.

I am sorry that your great uncle was taken a century ago far too early from the family.

Not only for myself but for any open-minded person on the planet, I hope the day comes when we have 100 percent facts about Covid. As mentioned, it was such a reverse to what I have been blessed to have been through the past 15 years.

To go from one fever and 2 sick days every 365 to the hospital, could shake up anyone.

You and family have the best 2024 ever and the finest health.

Thank you,
Old Rocker


I must agree, you got a very bad case of covid infection but you survived it probably due to your excellent health, it would have worse if you weren’t strong, also you didn’t mention having ongoing symptoms such as long covid so consider yourself twice blessed, good luck and keep up the good work staying safe.

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Thank you Frouke.

May you and family stay safe and have the best 2024 ever!


Echoing others, you didn't do anything wrong. I somehow contracted COVID sometime in fall 2020, was masking and isolating. Was in good health prior. Every time they identify a new virus variant they note that it is x times more infectious than a previous variant. At this point most everyone I know has contracted COVID. All are vaccinated, and some mask. I'm in long COVID episode 3. Happy you have avoided this.


Echoing others, you didn't do anything wrong. I somehow contracted COVID sometime in fall 2020, was masking and isolating. Was in good health prior. Every time they identify a new virus variant they note that it is x times more infectious than a previous variant. At this point most everyone I know has contracted COVID. All are vaccinated, and some mask. I'm in long COVID episode 3. Happy you have avoided this.

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Hi froggiiii:

Thanks for the response.

I hope your health becomes impeccable in 2024 and it is nothing but the best for you and family,
Old Rocker


Hello....just reading all your symptoms, reminded me of when I had Covid... could not concentrate on anything. It was like it was too much for my brain to handle. Weird....and also, could not sleep at all! I ended up going to hospital because I took Paxlovid and it interacted with my my medication, Hydrochlorothiazide......my sodium got down to an extremely low number....around 100! I'm lucky I went to the ER when I did....was critically ill and spent 8 days in hospital. I am so grateful to the doctors and nurses at St Marys Hospital! THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME! 💖


Hello....just reading all your symptoms, reminded me of when I had Covid... could not concentrate on anything. It was like it was too much for my brain to handle. Weird....and also, could not sleep at all! I ended up going to hospital because I took Paxlovid and it interacted with my my medication, Hydrochlorothiazide......my sodium got down to an extremely low number....around 100! I'm lucky I went to the ER when I did....was critically ill and spent 8 days in hospital. I am so grateful to the doctors and nurses at St Marys Hospital! THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME! 💖

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Glad you are better and best of health forward!

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