Why take PPI only 2 weeks?

Posted by seapen @seapen, Nov 8, 2023

My doctor says to take PPI indefinitely. The drug instructions say to only take it for 2 weeks. Why?

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A good thing to have checked if on long term use of ppi is bone density. I have been on ppi’s for more than 25 years and had breakage in my foot that not heal. An xray showed osteoporosis.

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I have osteopenia? and wonder if that is why I may be developing osteoporosis. I am like most. I am on and off this stuff. I have to sleep sitting up sometimes to prevent the reflux from rising. It is a life of misery. I had my gallbladder taken out because Dr. said my pain was from it. As my stomach issues grew, a new doctor said without a gallbladder the bile will be more problematic. Yes, I made a big mistake and the pain was from my stomach, not a gallbladder. No win situation here. Always get another opinion for any concerns. Medicare does pay for second opinions, FYI.


Thank you for your response. I have been pairing down how often I take the PPI, mainly because of the gas side effects and because there was no sign of Barrett's Esophagus at my last endoscopy. The gastroenterologist said to keep taking the meds anyway, but I decided to take a break. I started taking a probiotic and I have not felt any acid reflux for a week. I will take famotidine or tums if I feel it again. I am also serious about diet changes.

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I had exactly this scenario! I’m now taking a pre and probiotic daily, plus famotidine, tums as needed. It’s going well! Thanksgiving is a test—in general I must eat less. Have you noticed a slight lifting of brain fog?


When drs say use PPIs for two weeks or 30!days. If they make you feel better you’re going to want to continue to take them. It’s a trick. I saw an ENT doc because I have excessive mucus in my throat constantly. You would think it’s related to ear , nose or throat. He scoped me and said your nose is immaculate, there is nothing going on there. He said it’s acid reflux. Now this has been happening for over ten years. I have seen numerous ENT docs. Gastro, as well as pulmo. ENT says they don’t see anything they are pointing at gastro. Gastro says they don’t see anything is pointing at ENT.
Pulmo says lungs are immaculate. Pulmo orders an xray after PFT and says it’sPND and shows me where it lodges right underneath the chin bone. Oh ! ENT just put me on 40 mg Protonix every morning and 40mg famodazine before bed. This was about a month ago. He said to take for two months and follow up. I was about to say forget it. But my PCP wants me to see a different Gastro before giving up. I saw him about three weeks ago. I basically told gastro the same thing I told my PCP. I refuse to take PPIs without a more definitive diagnosis. Gastro suggests doing another EGD and attach the pill to my esophagus. He says this is the only to get a diagnosis. I find it hard to believe that I can have acid coming up in my throat and nose for over ten years without any damage. I could be wrong . I am scheduled on 12/7 to have this test done. Now I have been pay more attention to my body lately. I believe I have a problem with being able to burp. I can feel the trapped gas. But I cannot burp no matter what. It feels like there is an issue with my esophageal sphincter.
I have noticed if I stretch my neck upwards I burp a lot and I can feel the relief and the excessive mucus is gone. My PCP said I had early stages of arthritis in my right hip and prescribed muscle relaxers. My throat didn’t feel as tight. I believe all of this is related to my TMJ which is stress related. I’m going to do the EGD and if they don’t find anything concerning then I believe I will go back to my PCP and ask for something for anxiety. This day and time with so much going on I believe everyone can use something for anxiety.

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