Why does everything seem yellowish in color?

Posted by kell4042 @kell4042, Apr 16, 2024

I've been experiencing this strange nerve-wracking yellow tinge in everything I look at, even my own skin. It drives me absolutely insane. I don't know if something is dinge or if it's just me. I scrub and scrub things, and for a brief second, it looks like it's coming off, just to look away and back at it, same thing. Anyone else experience this. I've been to eye Dr, I've told my pcp, even my gi specialist and it's as if it's ignored.

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Hey There! Progressed cataracts can cause a brown or yellow tinge. I would go to an Opthalmologist Eye Doctor who can perform surgery if needed and have your eyes checked.

You say you have been to an eye doctor, I would get a 2nd opinion and make sure it's an Opthalmologist.

Please keep me posted. Praying for you.


I had cataract removed in one eye. When I look with that eye, my bathroom is bright white, when I look with my other eye, eggshell yellowish......


Two things gave me yellowish vision: cataracts, which resolved nicely with surgery, and many times returning to work after having a cold the fluorescent lights made everything yellow a day or two. Ophthalmologist and GP never heard of that but Dr. Google indicates xanthopsia. Probably from stress or maybe related to visual auras I get periodically.


I was told that I only have (small) cataracts in my one eye(right) but the left eye sees things as more yellow or "duller" looking? Maybe the optometrist meant HER right? Which would make it MY left? lol


I had cataract removed in one eye. When I look with that eye, my bathroom is bright white, when I look with my other eye, eggshell yellowish......

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I had the same thing. When I had the other eye done, the yellowish color went away. After cataract surgery, everything is so bright and white.

I didn't realize how much the other eye needed it too until I saw exactly what you described. The brightness has subsided in both eyes over time.

Blessings to you...

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