Why? Does lung cancer just keep coming back?

Posted by Donna @stimey60, Jan 18 7:56am

I was diagnosed with lung cancer 15 months ago. Had surgery and chemo. I suffered from the chemo months after wards. But I got better I was doing great my life was back to normal. It's come back now in my other lung. Is this it? Does it just keep coming back like this? I've read that the life expecting is 5 years, so I have 3 more to go. So every year till I die I get more chemo more surgery.

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My mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung was diagnosed in October of 2010, so more than 14 years ago. I stayed informed against the day I have progression. The last 3 years we've seen many new treatments for targeted therapies that didn't exist 3 years ago. Have they biopsied the newest nodules yet?


That's such disappointing news. Trust your medical team. Do what you can to be the most st healthy you that you can be. I have a cancer with a poor prognosis. But I also believe what I do going forward will be what makes me beat the odds. I have hope.


You one day you'll die, but when it's in your face that's different. I always thought my heart would take me, that's very common in my family, but this i did it to myself I smoked for 53 years so I have noone to blame but myself. It's just that I love to travel I've been to 22 countries, I love every minute of it. But the trip i had planned in 150 days will have to be canceled. I hate that.


You one day you'll die, but when it's in your face that's different. I always thought my heart would take me, that's very common in my family, but this i did it to myself I smoked for 53 years so I have noone to blame but myself. It's just that I love to travel I've been to 22 countries, I love every minute of it. But the trip i had planned in 150 days will have to be canceled. I hate that.

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I’m sorry you are going through this again so soon. Reschedule your trip and look forward to that day. If they didn’t before, please ask them to do biomarker testing on your tumor and see if there are any other therapies you can try. Even if they did it before. I have stage 3 nsclc adenocarcinoma as a nonsmoker. I what thought my heart would be my demise since my mother died hear issues and my dad is on borrowed time from the same. And I do have early signs of it. But I’m hopeful that I’m going to live a long time thanks to my targeted therapy drug. And you did not give yourself cancer. Nobody does. You smoked yes. That’s a risk factor but I know plenty of smokers who don’t have cancer. And I more know plenty of non smokers who do.


I'm sorry I just having a pity party. The biomarkers sound good I don't remember them ever saying that. I'll ask about it. I have reschedule the trip already. I still in intend to see the world!


Sorry to hear you’re battling cancer. You’re strong and have been winning battles. You have what it takes to overcome. Don’t waste one more minute blaming yourself or letting others who have their own vices. Forget the why. Those things steal your joy.

My brother was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC at 45 and never smoked a day in his life. He didn’t ever drink, do drugs. He was thin, fit and healthy working out daily from the time he was 10. He should have outlived us all. Sometimes cancer, other illnesses or life’s challenges are just what’s in the cards for us. We do the best we can to fight those battles while we still keep living our best life making the most of every day we have left on this earth. Staying upbeat will also strengthen your support team.

Keep looking forward to that big trip. In the meantime, maybe you can plan some day trips or even weekend getaways to brighten your days. So many great things to see and enjoy in our own country and even our own city. In my younger years, I visited more counties than states when I hadn’t even seen and experienced all the amazing things near me.

My brother treated a few of us to an amazing weekend getaway just months before we lost him. He was not in good condition but he enjoyed it all immensely and loved that his closest family was with him and having fun. Whenever I went over to visit him, we would laugh ourselves silly reminiscing about our childhood. He never gave up on life and joy. A decade later I lost my other brother to cancer in his 50s. He had a similar outlook.

I’ve been battling my own cancers for years and you can bet I’m following the lead of my brothers and don’t waste time. Everything that comes my way just becomes the new normal. I start every day saying, “Today something good is going to happen to me and through me. Who can I bless today?” It makes me notice even the smallest blessings and opportunities. Look for the low hanging fruit right around you. Joy is ripe for the picking. Prayers for you.


Thanks for that ans yes I have seen all the states already.
My Aunt has been battling cancer for years now. She yelled at me too. It's just so disappointing.
I m alright just having a pity party. And I just got my hair back too!
But your right life is a gift and we are blessed every morning we wake up.
I have had a wonderful life and I'm now married to a wonderful man.
I have been blessed.
I'll keep fighting my life is worth it
Thanks for listening to me


Donna, @stimey60 , I'm sorry that you are facing this challenge so soon. Recurrence and progression are often a part of our stories. Don't ever blame yourself. No one deserves cancer, and no one certainly deserves a second round of cancer. As a stage IV patient, I know that my cancer will return someday, and the long-term prognosis is looking slightly better, but it's still not great. Having this diagnosis can expose us to a dark and lonely place. I try to give myself time and grace to feel all those tough emotions, to grieve for those friends that we've lost and for the future that I'm not comfortable planning. BUT I know that I can't stay in that place for too long. I know I have to pull myself up and get on with what's to come. Treatments aren't easy, and having a care team that you trust is important. Knowing the options can be helpful to feel that you're taking back some control. Have you had a PET scan or a biopsy yet? Are we sure it's cancer in the other lung, and not inflammation or infection?
Don't cancel the trip until you have all of the information. Hugs.


No I'm canceling till I know what the treatment will be it's in 150 days by the way so I don't have much time.
Yes it's less then an inch in my lymph nodes again. Biopsy, pet scans mri it's cancer. I hate this i have so many plans. And believe me this is not what I wanted. I'm 70 I don't feel 70. I'm pretty healthy other then this.
I'm sure alot of people have battled this horrible disease for years.
I think our bodies are just breaking down just think we were once perfect, but I think as we destroy this world we have destroyed our selves too.
It will never go away. Ill be fine it's just disappointeing

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