Who knows anything or even has bc that has turned into fungating wound

Posted by breasttumor2 @breasttumor2, Feb 29 1:49pm

Have invasive ductal carcinoma...the fungating tumors or fungating wounds are soooooo painful! Im taking pain med. One dr. said right away im sending referral to cardiothoracic surgeon to get palliative surgery appt 4 mastectomy. Shortly after, i lost my benefits, lost hospice care and getting medi-cal is impossible,been trying...but im so tired...i dont want to give up! Any help wd b so appreciated...i live in the east bay of calif...sorry pic is scary and gross...uploaded since cant find anyone who knows what a fungating wound/tumor is or looks like in this mayo clinic website...🐛🦋🌻🌻🌻🐝

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Hi--this sounds like a real emergency. I strongly suggest you go to the ER and at least get some wound care. If you can, talk to a social worker there about payment options. I believe hospice will continue to help in many cases without benefits. Is your hope to go back into hospice care? I'm sorry you have to manage all this.


Hi--this sounds like a real emergency. I strongly suggest you go to the ER and at least get some wound care. If you can, talk to a social worker there about payment options. I believe hospice will continue to help in many cases without benefits. Is your hope to go back into hospice care? I'm sorry you have to manage all this.

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Please hear the wisdom of Miriam. Consider ER and wound care!!
This needs attention quickly !!
I am so very sorry you have this difficult situation !!
Praying for healing !!
Hopeful 2024


Please go immediately to closest breast care cancer location. This photo shows extremely developed infection. No medical provider will turn you away. Hoping that you wait no longer and sending good wishes.


I am so very sorry that you are going through this and outraged at how difficult it is to find the care a person needs when in a situation like yours. I too live in the East Bay. I’m not sure where you are in the East Bay, but if you are in Contra Costa County, you might want to consider the county hospital in Martinez. They could connect you with a case worker there who can help you navigate your care. Best of luck! < 3


Please go immediately to closest breast care cancer location. This photo shows extremely developed infection. No medical provider will turn you away. Hoping that you wait no longer and sending good wishes.

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Hi n thnk u! I hv no benefits n when i did they wouldnt do anything til chemo+ when it was smaller...i refuse rad n chemo...


Please hear the wisdom of Miriam. Consider ER and wound care!!
This needs attention quickly !!
I am so very sorry you have this difficult situation !!
Praying for healing !!
Hopeful 2024

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Hospice stopped due 2 no benefits. I taught myself wound care. I refused chemo+ since lump was tiny! I had benefits went 2 stanford coz not 1 dr or hosp i went 2 heard of fungating wounds! So dr@stanford wound care sent ref. 2 their cardiothoracic surgeon 4 removal/mastectomy n my benefits said he was out of network! Soooo....coz im poor they dont care...until a soc wrker can champion 4 me to get this surg covered n ive called 13 pgs of contacts, can i get help...i just thought a wrker in"hayward" etc would get on this string? Thank you 4 ur kindness...


Hospice stopped due 2 no benefits. I taught myself wound care. I refused chemo+ since lump was tiny! I had benefits went 2 stanford coz not 1 dr or hosp i went 2 heard of fungating wounds! So dr@stanford wound care sent ref. 2 their cardiothoracic surgeon 4 removal/mastectomy n my benefits said he was out of network! Soooo....coz im poor they dont care...until a soc wrker can champion 4 me to get this surg covered n ive called 13 pgs of contacts, can i get help...i just thought a wrker in"hayward" etc would get on this string? Thank you 4 ur kindness...

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@breasttumor2, I encourage to look up "My Help Navigator" https://myhelpnavigator.auntbertha.com/ It is a social care network that connects people and programs — making it easy for people to find social services in their communities.

Here's the link to My Help Navigator: https://myhelpnavigator.auntbertha.com/

I wonder if through My Help Navigator, you might be able to find a social worker who could help.


Thank you soooo much miss colleen! I have been sleeping most of the day so tomorrow morning I will try to "connect"
with any sort of help I haven't tried this medical benefit resource website yet but I intend to tomorrow thank you so much!


From a nurse: I'm concerned about a systemic infection including a blood infection called septicemia which is life- threatening. Please go to the ER at a university teaching hospital nearby that has a cancer program immediately. If there is not such a facility nearby, go to any ER and they must, by law, stabilize and transport you to an appropriate level of care. Hospitals receive funds for emergency care regardless of ability to pay. I hope this helps and I'm sending positive wishes your way! Please forgive me if I don't have all the facts of your case; however, this looks like a medical emergency to me.


Clarification: my prior comment about all hospitals receiving funds to cover emergency services regardless of ability to pay was an over- generalization. Those that do not receive these funds do set aside certain amounts to "write-off" each year. Thank you and I apologize for any confusion.

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