Prostate Cancer: Which Treatment to Choose?

Posted by genovadm04 @genovadm04, Sep 10, 2023

I'm 84 years old. Recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer as a result of psa rising to 7.06 since January. PSMA shows metastasized to lymph nodes in the pelvic area. Otherwise OK. Gleason score of 9 shows aggresive cancer. Moffit in Tampa wants me to go on Luperon with the focus being on Radiation, their basic treatment. MSKCC strongly recommends more aggressive treatment. Start with Degalrix injection, a second 30 days later, possibly a third. Then on to Luperon. All this would be accompanied by daily oral doses of Arbiraterone and Prednesone. MSK is also suggest to hold off on Radiation for 3 to4 months. Possible not having radiation at all as it will affect quality of life.
Aside from the cancer, I'm a healty, strong and active 84 year old. I've been spared many of the serious and debilitating problems of aging. Not sure which treatment path to follow. Both are doable. Any info or suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

Doesn't apply to me. My case is now history. What size was your tumor? What was it's Gleason score? What ADT type and volume did you use?


Fascinating discussion folks. I am 2.9 years along on the advanced prostate journey. My treatment plan started me off with 25 radiation session, 6 chemo sessions, and ADT unto eternity. I’ve come to realize how lucky I was to have the treatment treat I started with. Was it luck. Or was it good planning? Back in the beginning I interviewed all the providers on my urologist referral list. Impressed by none. But my pain couldn’t wait. A middles of the night ER visit changed everything.

The ER PA did her job and did it superbly. She took care of my pain and sent me right into the CT scan. There it was advanced prostate cancer everywhere. When the day shift came on, I was sent right up to the staff oncologist who within hour designed and coordinated my treatment plan. Excellent.


@genovadm04, treatment decision making with prostate cancer is not simple and many men come to this group with similar questions. You may find these related discussions and the tips members share also helpful:

- What questions to ask in first meeting regarding treatment decisions?

- Prostate cancer diagnosis and decisions

- Seeking advice on treatment options

Ultimately, the choice is yours depending on your diagnosis as well as you preferences (meaning which potential side effects you would prefer to accept). Have you decided which treatment path to follow and where?

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