Depression: What treatment can I try after so many years?

Posted by miray67 @miray67, Apr 22, 2020

I have fought depression and anxiety since I was about seven years old when I had panic attacks. Without revealing my age what can you take when you have tried all the older medicines? It’s been with me for MANY years. Not the panic attacks but long spells of depression and anxiety to the point I am ver shaky most of the time. I’m sure there newer medications than the ones doctors want me to try again. I am now on Paxil again after trying it back in 1995. Seems it does everything except what it’s supposed to do. My present doctor refuses to change it but has reduced the dosage again to 25mg from 37.5. I hate to keep changing doctors and trying over and over. Being confined for so long hasn’t helped, of course. I am in good health for my age, still drive a little and do most everything for my self with weak need and chronic pain.

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I am also a senior that has lived with depression and anxiety since very early childhood. (CPTSD)There are very few therapist here that take medicare and those that do make me wonder. Yesterday my new therapist actually agreed that suicide looked like the only way out. (!!!) I've been on many different medications. My PCP is the only one I have treating me at the time. She just put me on Liibryd. One week and all I see is side-effects. I wish I could find a psychologist or therapist that could help me. I think I will try the testing. That may help.
Bless you all. May God be with you.


I'm sorry your going through this. I wish I had an answer for you and me


Don’t give up. Never give up! There is purpose to your life, even when you feel so defeated you can’t see it. My daughter has been living with depression and anxiety since little. Stay as occupied as you can with exercise, healthy diet, but most of all serving others. Even when you don’t feel like you will make it through the day! You do have purpose - and I am convinced in serving others, no matter how small the deed may be, will help you so much. Good bless you.


I’m going to start Spravato treatments next week. It has a high and quick success rate for depression. I’ve tried all the antidepressants and they just don’t work well enough.


Don’t give up. Never give up! There is purpose to your life, even when you feel so defeated you can’t see it. My daughter has been living with depression and anxiety since little. Stay as occupied as you can with exercise, healthy diet, but most of all serving others. Even when you don’t feel like you will make it through the day! You do have purpose - and I am convinced in serving others, no matter how small the deed may be, will help you so much. Good bless you.

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Thank you fir your reply. I appreciate the encouragement.


Thank you fir your reply. I appreciate the encouragement.

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Please continue to check around for a mental health counselor that will take your Medicare. Check with the local hospital for a support group which should not cost anything. Also, many churches have support groups that meet, and connecting with others who have the same struggles is very helpful. God bless you and keep progress posted!


At the very least it will let him take a drug which his body can metabolize, (digest). Better results, less side effects. Love and Blessings

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Is there really any cure for bipolar disorder out there? It's quite debilitating disease for the patient and for the people around him


I think I have almost used every antidepressant out there. I have found Lexapro to be the one to help me. I also take Klonipin 1 mg during the day and 2 at night to help me sleep. Also take Lamictal which is a mood elevator. It's used for seizures too. I hope this helps some of you guys out there. This virus has not helped. I had to give up my dog because I couldn't take care of her. That's been the most depressing thing for me. I'm going to be having a fusion surgery down my low back from T-10 to my pelvis. It's a big surgery, but I have done everything I can do to now have to have it. I have an excellent surgeon at Mayo so I'm very confident all will go well. They did do a test that showed the surgery will work. Take care all of you. I know it's not easy. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2, but since I moved back to Iowa I'm dx depression with anxiety. My son is Bipolar 1. It has traveled all through my family. May Peace be with all of you. Bless all who suffer for Jesus knows.

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Hi, I’m so sorry to hear what you are going through. Finding the right antidepressant is so trying. Just waiting after taking a new one to see if it will work can be miserable. I pray you’ll find the right one. I wanted to tell you that giving up your dog must have been excruciating but it was incredibly generous. I will keep you in my prayers.


Try an approach other than medication. An adage that I learned years ago was… if you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you always got.

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