What is the timing for surgery (esophagectomy) after chemoradiation?

Posted by pat888 @pat888, Aug 6, 2023

I am concerned with a delay for surgery after my treatment with chemoradiation. What are the standard wait times before surgery. Is it 8 weeks, 10 weeks or more. I understand that surgery has to timely to avoid scar tissue forming after radiation which makes the operation more difficult and can produce bad outcomes. What is the maximum time before surgery?

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My husband was on track with his chemo / radiation regime , his 3 inch tumor in lower esophagus has shrunk some but early pet scan showed no “ hot spots”. His surgery was in time frame of 6 weeks after therapy. He came to UCLA for preop Angiogram ordered after Stress echocardiogram came back with poor results. The angiogram revealed 5 blocked ( main artery 100%) coronary arteries which earned him a free pass to 4 vessel heart bypass surgery two days later!!! Talk about a big wrench thrown in! But his thoracic surgeon saw him before surgery and feels we can still be in the good window of time to have his surgery 6-8 weeks after this bypass. So that is around 12-14 weeks after chemo and radiation. She is one of the top thoracic surgeons that have done lots of esophagectomies so I’m glad she feels we are still on course.
Hope this helps

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Many thanks Patti....this has been very helpful
All the best


My husband has stage 1 esophagus cancer and are evaluating treatments. Can someone tell me about esophagectomy and how they faired after?


I had 1 month rest period after chemo.


My husband has stage 1 esophagus cancer and are evaluating treatments. Can someone tell me about esophagectomy and how they faired after?

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My husband‘s surgeon at UCLA wanted to do his esophagectomy within 6 to 8 weeks after his chemo and radiation therapy. But in one of the preop testing they found his heart was not good. They did an angiogram just in case and found five blocked coronary arteries. They took him within two days for a quadruple bypass surgery. Now he will have to wait another 6 to 8 weeks. However, his surgeon says that he is still in the window of time that will be OK. So this gave us an extension we did not expect, but it still falls under the timeframe that the surgeon wanted to operate. As long as he recuperates quickly from this, he should be able to go in for surgery. Back to UCLA we go!
I hope this answers your question, and I pray everything goes well for you!


In my case it was 6 weeks

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