What is normal recovery time/ progress for total hip replacement?

Posted by deejay52 @deejay52, Jun 28, 2024

I’m 5 1/2 months post right hip replacement and I haven’t experienced the miraculous pain free days that others rave about. It seems some days I’m making progress and then I’ll have more pain again. I try to walk 2 -3 miles per day and do some gardening, biking etc. I recognize that my pain is different than before my surgery, but am disappointed that I can’t walk better (longer distance, faster), cross my right leg all the way over my left, and that I don’t have good range of motion, it seems. Walking up stairs and putting full weight on my operative leg can be painful. I continue to do stretches given by my PT.
Is this slow progress normal? Am I doing too much? Too little?

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I'm so sorry for what you're going through Faye. My hat is off to you though for sticking with the pre-op exercises. I did that for my knees when they were replaced in 2022, but I was a spry 67 y/o at the time. I truly respect your effort and commitment and Im sure it will help tremendously with your recovery.

As to another comment you made, each surgeon is different. In my opinion, once a joint has zero cartilage, bone on bone, it's time for a replacement. Some surgeons, like mine, prefer to wait until the patient is experiencing chronic pain.

I asked him why he does that, and he explained he wants patients feeling better after the surgery than before. It is possible to go quite a while bone on bone in any joint and not experience severe pain. So I waited and the pain worsened and I had the replacements.

Now I've changed mind. As I mentioned to Peggy, once a joint is bone on bone, and a good surgeon says replacement is inevitable, get the joint replaced. And do it asap especially if you're in good health.

Best wishes to you and Peggy on your upcoming replacements. Im getting my right hip replaced tomorrow, and given the pain, really can't wait!


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Joe, did you have the Anterior type of surgery? Most good surgeons will do this type because of it having a much better post-op experience. Shorter, easier recovery time. My left hip was bone on bone and had alot of pain before. It is now 5 1/2 months later and it's like there was never anything wrong! Feels like brand new! I'm back to walking 3 miles a day and longer on the weekends. I was discharged same day, and went home and climbed our staircase, which is 15 steps, up to bedroom, easily.


I had a right hip replacement November 2022. It was easy peasy. Very little pain. Physical therapy a must every day. I still doing PT 5 days a week and yoga one day a week. The worst part of recovery for me was my surgeon insisted on me strapping this V shaped foam device between my legs so I couldn’t inadvertently cross them while sleeping. I haven’t talked to anyone else that had to do this though.


That is awful! Its amazing to me the difference it can make between having a great surgeon or having a not so great surgeon. I had a left total hip replacement on Oct. 7, 2024 and only had the post-op pain for about a month. The pain I had before surgery was awful and affected my whole leg, hip and groin area. That pain was completely gone post-op. I had the Anterior hip replacement and highly recommend it!! It really does make a HUGE difference! This type of total hip replacement surgery has a much better, less recovery time! But you have to ask for the Anterior total hip replacement! I for sure had a great surgeon too! I took Tramadol post surgery and I loved it. Didn't give me that doped up feeling that Oxycodone can give. But it helped the pain alot. Only used it for about 2 1/2 weeks. Good luck everyone!

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Anterior procedure. Whomever did the staples or machine malfunction...not sure.. in crooked at least 4!.
Have never had proper follow up Surgeon no longer practicing... was let go by the Health Authority.


Joe, did you have the Anterior type of surgery? Most good surgeons will do this type because of it having a much better post-op experience. Shorter, easier recovery time. My left hip was bone on bone and had alot of pain before. It is now 5 1/2 months later and it's like there was never anything wrong! Feels like brand new! I'm back to walking 3 miles a day and longer on the weekends. I was discharged same day, and went home and climbed our staircase, which is 15 steps, up to bedroom, easily.

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Hi Cindi,

Yes I did get an anterior incision. It's only about 4" long and no muscles are cut, unlike the posterior/lateral approaches. And you're right, the good surgeons do it because of the improved patient outcome. I'm 3 days out from surgery and walking better than I have in the last year. All the groin pain is gone. There is some stiffness from the incision and swelling that hardly merits pain meds.



I had a right hip replacement November 2022. It was easy peasy. Very little pain. Physical therapy a must every day. I still doing PT 5 days a week and yoga one day a week. The worst part of recovery for me was my surgeon insisted on me strapping this V shaped foam device between my legs so I couldn’t inadvertently cross them while sleeping. I haven’t talked to anyone else that had to do this though.

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flyjim, I had to do something very similar to that. I was told to put a pillow between my legs when laying on my right side only....because I had the left hip done. Think I had to do that for at least a couple of weeks.


Hi Cindi,

Yes I did get an anterior incision. It's only about 4" long and no muscles are cut, unlike the posterior/lateral approaches. And you're right, the good surgeons do it because of the improved patient outcome. I'm 3 days out from surgery and walking better than I have in the last year. All the groin pain is gone. There is some stiffness from the incision and swelling that hardly merits pain meds.


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Joe, that's fantastic! Exactly how I felt after my surgery. It's like you have a brand new hip/leg! I am so happy and I bet you are too!


Joe, that's fantastic! Exactly how I felt after my surgery. It's like you have a brand new hip/leg! I am so happy and I bet you are too!

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Thanks Cindi, and yeah for those considering replacing a hip, it is the best way to relieve the awful bone-on-bone pain from degenerative arthritis. If you experience any groin pain - where you can't pinpoint or even come close to a cause - see your ortho Dr and get an xray of the hip.

I felt the same way after getting my knees replaced in 2022, although the recovery for a knee is a lot longer than a hip.


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