What is a Prostatectomy Like?
It is living hell
You wear a catheter for 7-10 days after surgery,
Then the fun begins.
You are now incontinent, and you must wear diapers, you actually leak pee,
It at times squirts out of you. You have constant urge to go meaning trips to bathroom every hour or less.
You have to deal with constant leaking, ED, potential UTIs.
Embarrassing and
Humiliating absolutely terrible time.
The care team will tell you that the
Incontinence last 9 months or more.
Remember prostrate cancer is slow growing
Surgeons will encourage surgery and your cancer will be gone but your life has changed forever because the incontinence is a daily challenge. Assuming you regain continence then you have to deal with ED.
Research as much as you can before making the decision to have prostatectomy. It is your body and your life afterwards.
But you potentially traded quality for quantity of life.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
Your progress is vital to a place like this.
"I got through it and here's how" is essential amongst dozens of guys having problems.
Your success is particularly important for those who are coming here with "Should I have this procedure, or will I regret it?".
Success stories = encouragement.
We're thrilled for you (but a little jealous, because we're human).
I hope we get another 5 of you here.
That's precisely why I'm trying to stick around, I needed guys like me and I'm trying to focus on the newcomers that need a little bit of light in this dark cloud.
I'm also trying to be very respectful of how I word things because I don't intend to or want to sound boastful. I'm lucky, pure and simple. But who is to say my first PSA test isn't a gut punch that puts me soundly into a second round of treatments with all the side effects after all? This damn thing is just no good from start to finish.
My first pangs of jealousy were actually watching a guy on YouTube, getting his catheter removed.
This dude had the catheter out (no big problem) but then immediately proceeded to pee into a bottle or whatever - and start & stop the stream at will.
Wish I could do that.
I could have reached through the screen & strangled him.
But he was a body-builder, so.....
Then I'm glad you didn't see mine lol. Also, what a strange video to have on YouTube...
I've seen worse.
Before the biopsy, I watched one of those, so I knew what was going to happen.
I watched the prostatectomy surgery before I had mine.
It's helpful to see these things (for me, anyway).
There are lots of videos intended for med students etc.
We take whatever small victories that we can get.
I finally have an appointment next month to see another urologist, to be assessed for an AUS.
Cystoscopy... flow test... I don't care. Whatever ends this nightmare.
You have no idea how just getting an appointment date has lifted my mood.
Now to start another bladder diary.
Peter, that catheter guy was a stuntman - trust me on this. I’m continent now but as my wife was driving me home from catheter removal I told her how easy it was and how I peed in the bathroom afterwards just like normal.
Getting out of the car 90 mins later I discovered that I was soaked in urine up to my waist snd down to my knees….never felt a thing!
At home, I showered and dried myself and as I stepped into the bedroom I began to gush urine all over the floor in front of my goggle-eyed wife….sadly, no one to video the event.
I had the same experience as the guy in the said video. Cath out, not an issue since. I know not all guys are that lucky, but I was.
Found him.
Miracle starts around the 6 minute mark.
I’ve seen that guy on TV! He does commercials for automobile car mats and Medicare Advantage health insurance😆😆