What do I do for Chronic EBV?
Hi guys,
I’m a 23 y/o female going on 24. I have been suffering with a chronic and reoccurring EBV infection since 19 years of age. I’ve seen all the traditional Drs for this (PCP, rheumatologist, ENT & infectious disease) and not a single one of them has helped me. I’ve had what I call “breaks” from it a few years ago, but since 2023 it’s been here to stay. I wake up every morning with a scratchy throat (which evolves and gets worse throughout the day). I get nerve pains in my hands, neck pain, headache, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain. When I’m ovulating I feel awful, so I know my immune system is depleted when my cycle starts. I’m trying supplements, they definitely help but they don’t last and don’t get rid of the issue. I have to work full time and it feels like I’m hiding my illness out of fear and to everyone on the outside I look completely normal. Every blood test I’ve had is normal - with the exception of the positive EBV markers. They all say I have EBV. However, it differs from Dr to Dr whether it’s a current infection or an old infection, they don’t know. You can test positive for years after the initial. I saw a wellness/integrated care specialist and I wasn’t convinced for the money it would’ve taken. I know that there are other treatments but I don’t have the finances for this and insurance doesn’t cover it. I feel like I’m out of options. I’m so depleted. I’m tired, run down and fed up. Is there anyone out there that can help so I can get relief/answers? I want my life back. They say the only cure is a stem cell transplant?! How would someone even get access to that when dr’s tell you to jog on when you see them regarding the issue? Any guidance from anyone would be amazing. I know others this could help as well. Thanks so much.
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