What are some favorite movies?

Posted by samuelmyrick @samuelmyrick, May 16 1:06pm

I have loved movies since I first watched Tarzan as a kid. Now they are a valuable distraction for me as I feel empty and isolated and alienated. Here are a few of my favorites:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Saving Private Ryan
Little Miss Sunshine

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I love "It's a Wonderful Life" (Christmas movie) , "The Time Traveler" , The Sound of Music", 'The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry" and the very old Disney movies. Any of the old Shirley Temple movies.

God Bless you Samuelmyrick. Praying for you right now.

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Thanks for starting this topic.

I love movies from 50s, especially Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, Vertigo; I could go on and on. Those are the ones I watch when can not sleep at night. Seen so many times I can shut my eyes and just listen. Next thing I know am asleep. Not good sleep etiquette, but works for me.

One of more recent one is "DOG" from 2022, I cried at end.

Eager to see others responses, will create a list of movies to watch in future.



I have way, way too many favorite movies to list.

But I can tell you one thing: Just about all of them were made before 1970.


I have way, way too many favorite movies to list.

But I can tell you one thing: Just about all of them were made before 1970.

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Scott, I have a list of dozens and dozens. My memory is shot, so I want to have a reference. You have good taste if they're made before 1970. Any special ones?


I mostly love action movies like Avengers, Deadpool, Star Wars and all.

As you said adaptation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are such thought-provoking picks, and Saving Private Ryan brings such intensity.

Little Miss Sunshine adds a perfect touch of heartwarming comedy.
They sound like a good escape from the day-to-day.


The Last of the Mohicans, 1992


This is a great topic, @samuelmyric. Like, @roch, I will often watch my favorite movies when I can't sleep, and it works better than any medication!

I love the movies based on Jane Austen novels. The language of that day is different and refreshing. Downton Abbey is another favorite of mine, once again because of the language and the civility expressed. A different time and place.


I have liked the movie, A MAN CALLED OTTO. It's a 2022 movie starring Tom Hanks. But it's a classic in my book.


In this crazy world we're living in currently, I love to watch comedy or light romance movies & musicals. Old Laurel & Hardy movies always make me laugh. "An Affair to Remember" is heart warming as is "Gigi" . There are so many great movies from the 50's. Glad they still can be seen.


I have way, way too many favorite movies to list.

But I can tell you one thing: Just about all of them were made before 1970.

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C'mon, Scott!


Godfather I,
Godfather II, Alien, Aliens, all of the Monty Python movies, 2010 ( respectable sequel to 2001 A Space Odyssey, disputably the greatest sci-fi film of all time). Could go on and on ....

Don't get me wrong ... countless fantastic films prior to the 70's, too.

Alas, so much celluloid, so little time.

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