Welcome to the NETs Group! Come say hi.

Posted by Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250, Jan 20, 2017

Hello and welcome
Let's pull up our chairs in a circle and check in with each other and talk about how we are doing with our NET diagnosis. Any new tests, meds or treatments going on for you? What about your symptom control? Any concerns you have?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.


Hello @ce1b

I would be very interested in learning about the VA facility that is doing NETs studies. Will you please post the information when you find it?

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Can do!


Hello @ce1b

I would be very interested in learning about the VA facility that is doing NETs studies. Will you please post the information when you find it?

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Haven't found link yet, but this is what I've found so far.. I know NETs Vets group exist but may have to reach out to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Precision Oncology Program for more informaion.

As you can see from the link below.. there is a new push to reduce cancer by 50% in our veterans.


Main contact page


Haven't found link yet, but this is what I've found so far.. I know NETs Vets group exist but may have to reach out to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Precision Oncology Program for more informaion.

As you can see from the link below.. there is a new push to reduce cancer by 50% in our veterans.


Main contact page

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Thank you, @ce1b. This information might be very helpful to other veterans!


Am Ayesha from Massachusetts, just diagnosed with small bowel carcinoma, 2 weeks ago. I have more scan ahead ( dotatate) then consultation. I am overwhelmed, don’t know if am dying or what! I was supposed to see a doctor last week but then i got covid so appointment was moved to 2 weeks later. I don’t have any info as of right now, i just cant relax and can’t sleep. I don’t know what to expect on my next scan , i am praying that my cancer has not spread to my organs.


Hi Neuroendocrine Group, I am Neuroendocrine Breast Cancer (rare) with mets in liver and bones. It took 2 years for me to find a doctor to acknowledge this. Prior, I had been treated like every other breast cancer patient and it wasn't working. Now I have had one Bland Liver Embolization to the right lobe, and have my second one coming up soon. This should take care of the liver tumors. BUT, the bone mets are worse, even on the Octreotide, Afinitor and Anastrozole. Sooo, I have been given the option of Lutethium infusions, which is really radioactive intravenous treatments that target the cancer. Its given over a course of 6 months, once every 2 months for 4 treatments. I'm a little nervous about it. Anyone else have liver and bone mets that this was successful in treating? Or for any other NED's? What's been your experience? I've heard about some good results.


Hello everyone, I'm not sure I'm in the right group. My Dad is 69 and was recently hospitalized because he develoeped jaundice. He had a stint put in his bile duct, i believe, and they found 3 tumors in and around his pancreas, bile ducts and ampulla vater. One of this cysts was malignant and he is having a wipple surgery in a few days. He was told via a phone-in doctor appointment that he'll start a 6 month cylce of chemotherapy after the surgery. We are having difficulty getting a confirmation of exactly what type of cancer he has and what stage the cancer may be in. Is this something that is determined post surgery or after the chemotherapy has begun? I'd be greatful for any input or comments anyone has and I'm glad to have found a possible support group for what we are going through. thank you

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@tdylanbrowning, how did your Dad's Whipple surgery go? Was it confirmed that he has pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer?


Question… I am having surgery the first week of November to remove roughly 12 inches of my lower section of the small intestine and two lymph notes. I was diagnosed with a dozen or so small carcinoid tumors about a month ago, I have never had any side effects or symptoms. My question is has anybody had this surgery laparoscopically or a large incision, what was your time in hospital, blood in stool, pain level and the first two weeks what should I expect.
When could you function alone and also drive. Thank you

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Hi @james8117, those are good questions to be asking as you prepare for surgery of your small intestine. @hopeful33250 @kathryncd @smart1 @harley4650 might have relevant experiences to share to help you know what to expect.

James, do you know if laparascopic surgery is an option for you?


Hi Neuroendocrine Group, I am Neuroendocrine Breast Cancer (rare) with mets in liver and bones. It took 2 years for me to find a doctor to acknowledge this. Prior, I had been treated like every other breast cancer patient and it wasn't working. Now I have had one Bland Liver Embolization to the right lobe, and have my second one coming up soon. This should take care of the liver tumors. BUT, the bone mets are worse, even on the Octreotide, Afinitor and Anastrozole. Sooo, I have been given the option of Lutethium infusions, which is really radioactive intravenous treatments that target the cancer. Its given over a course of 6 months, once every 2 months for 4 treatments. I'm a little nervous about it. Anyone else have liver and bone mets that this was successful in treating? Or for any other NED's? What's been your experience? I've heard about some good results.

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I have NETS mets to the liver with unknown primary and underwent PRRT treatment at Mayo Arizona last year (July 21-Jan 22). I completed all 4 treatments with a very good result result--significant shrinkage in all tumors. Follow-up since shows stability. The treatment itself is not difficult--a long day but the staff makes you very comfortable. My side effects were mostly fatigue (worse at the beginning of treatments) and not feeling great the first few days after treatment. By the end, my blood counts were down (to be expected) and I felt pretty tired--but in general the side effects are not difficult. I've been reminded by my doctor that every patient reacts differently, but based on my experience, I would do it again. Hope that helps!


Thanks, @kjskjstein . It really helps to hear from patients. I would love to hear from those who have NED bone mets as well that had PRRT!


Question… I am having surgery the first week of November to remove roughly 12 inches of my lower section of the small intestine and two lymph notes. I was diagnosed with a dozen or so small carcinoid tumors about a month ago, I have never had any side effects or symptoms. My question is has anybody had this surgery laparoscopically or a large incision, what was your time in hospital, blood in stool, pain level and the first two weeks what should I expect.
When could you function alone and also drive. Thank you

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Hello @james8117

I'm glad that you will be having your surgery soon. Surgery is usually the first treatment in dealing with carcinoids. I have had three surgeries of the upper digestive tract (duodenal bulb) however, I only had a resection so there was not much of the digestive tract that was removed. My incision was from the breastbone to the navel.

I spent about 6 days in the hospital with a NG tube. Was an NG tube mentioned as part of your post-surgery treatment? During the time when the NG tube was in, I had no food, just the IV and some ice chips. Around the 4th or 5th day when the tube was removed, I had a liquid diet and then soft foods.

For pain control, post-surgery, I had an Epidural and that controlled the pain. Once I was released from the hospital I had a script for a pain med, but I got along with just extra strength Tylenol.

Since I was in the hospital about 6 days I went home without help, however, my daughter and friends from church checked in on me and brought food (not all of their food was appropriate for my type of surgery). Plan to eat soft foods post-surgery for a week at least.

As my surgery was different from the one you will be having, your experiences will probably be different. Do you have any other questions?

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