Weird symptoms 10 years post surgery/radiation

Posted by mayirsi @mayirsi, Nov 25, 2022

I am 44 years old. I had a total thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine 10 years ago. About 5 years ago, I started having symptoms (abdominal pain, urgent bowel movements, diarrhea, indigestion, acidic bowel movements, etc). This has increased in the past years. I now sneeze when I eat mint. I have significant pain and some bleeding when I eat garlic or tomatoes. The foods I can eat without symptoms are fewer and fewer. Has this happened to anyone else?

Within the past year I have had thickening and pressure in the front of my throat. My endocrinologist said she noted significant scar tissue on the ultrasound. My PCP said I have calcified cartilage there . Has this happened to anyone else?

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@mayirsi, I'm glad that you are in the care of medical professionals to try and get to the bottom of this. I'm tagging other members who have also been treated with total thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine who may be able to share their thoughts and experiences.

Maryirsi, you were right to name this discussion "weird symptoms" and your reactions to certain foods are certainly baffling. Have you seen a GI specialist? Might these symptoms be unrelated to thyroid cancer treatments? Does there seem to be a pattern or category of foods that cause these reactions?


Maybe it’s GERD. I have had a long history with GERD and after having a partial thyroidectomy due to a very large nodule, the burning in my throat was severe! The doctor told me that after thyroid surgery it is very common to have GERD. I had a severe cough and burning throat which was a new issue for me (my GERD never used to reach this far up and was not as bad….my throat was on fire!). Sneezing from mint would go along with issues with GERD. On a good note….the medication for GERD seems to work fairly well and fast. I was also told to raise the head of my bed and not eat after 6:00 too…..maybe that will help you too! Good luck!

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