Kidney cancer patients: Let's connect and introduce yourself

Posted by koke @koke, May 2, 2023

I have stage 4 kidney cancer. Taking target and immunotherapy drugs. Would love to connect with anyone who is going through the same process or has kidney cancer!

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Hi Don. Thanks for replying. I just looked up my latest tests results. My tumor is 17x18.2x24. It’ll be interesting to see and feel after it’s removed? Sorry to hear what you also dealing with. Definitely surreal at times? After my surgery, the surgeon had said I’d most likely start immuno therapy I believe it’s called? Whatever it takes right?!

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Paul, thanks for quick reply. My biopsy is on Monday. I'll probably have more questions and will let you know when I get results. I'll be interested to hear what your immuno therapy consists of and for how long?


Hi! I’m about 11 months into having stage 4 RCC. I was diagnosed with a tumor on my right kidney, had a biopsy to confirm, had my right kidney out in October, tested in December then February and confirmed cancer had spread to a lymph node on my lungs. I started a chemo drug (cabometyx) and get an immunotherapy IV drug (opdivo) every 4 weeks.
I find it very helpful to read, listen, and learn from people experiencing the same cancer we have. Everyone’s experience is different. I’d be glad to answer any of your questions…finally after almost a year, things are more calm:).


Paul, sorry to hear you are scheduled for removal of kidney.
I am scheduled for biopsy of mass on my left kidney on Aug. 14, and don't know what comes after that. I finished successful treatment for esophageal cancer tumor recently.
I had lots of side affects during radiation and chemo. Coughing up flem and being constantly tired were a few. My kidney mass was describled as 4 by 3 cm and growing. I'm curious how the size of your tumor was described?

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Hi Don. Thanks for replying. I just looked up my latest tests results. My tumor is 17x18.2x24. It’ll be interesting to see and feel after it’s removed? Sorry to hear what you also dealing with. Definitely surreal at times? After my surgery, the surgeon had said I’d most likely start immuno therapy I believe it’s called? Whatever it takes right?!


Hi Colleen. My name is Paul. I was just diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma.. Surgery for removal of my right kidney and large attached tumor is slated for Aug23rd. I haven’t been told directly what stage I’m at, but thinking I’m at the tail end of stage three. Given my tumor is in size, and the numerous cancer side effects Inhave going on? This is all new to me, and trying to stay positive and me informed as much as possible. The surgeon at Mayo Rochester was straight forward. Saying it didn’t look good. Guessing my age (67), and the length of time I’ve had it without knowing I had it? Any helpful tips for coping with possible side side effects, and body aches is extremely sore lower back would greatly be appreciated! Thank you!

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Paul, sorry to hear you are scheduled for removal of kidney.
I am scheduled for biopsy of mass on my left kidney on Aug. 14, and don't know what comes after that. I finished successful treatment for esophageal cancer tumor recently.
I had lots of side affects during radiation and chemo. Coughing up flem and being constantly tired were a few. My kidney mass was describled as 4 by 3 cm and growing. I'm curious how the size of your tumor was described?


Welcome @koke. Allow me to tag a number of members who have experience with kidney cancer along with @emily29. @bomed @b1375911 @racing212 @lkhanson @pml @nang @sally0526 @pcondon @collegeprof @azkidney57 @nang @w5wiggi @paulinlouisiana @mb4414 @pamcaponio @tenniswood @cindysummit @mrodriguezc can also share their diagnosis and the treatments they've had.

Koke, which targeted therapy and immunotherapy drug are you taking? Did you have surgery?

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Hi Colleen. My name is Paul. I was just diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma.. Surgery for removal of my right kidney and large attached tumor is slated for Aug23rd. I haven’t been told directly what stage I’m at, but thinking I’m at the tail end of stage three. Given my tumor is in size, and the numerous cancer side effects Inhave going on? This is all new to me, and trying to stay positive and me informed as much as possible. The surgeon at Mayo Rochester was straight forward. Saying it didn’t look good. Guessing my age (67), and the length of time I’ve had it without knowing I had it? Any helpful tips for coping with possible side side effects, and body aches is extremely sore lower back would greatly be appreciated! Thank you!


Oh, it’s very different. Kidney cancer is type of cancer…kidney disease is not cancer. At the very beginning of being diagnosed, I didn’t understand the difference either:)


I don’t believe so. Renal disease is failure of the kidney to disease, other than cancer. Renal/kidney cancer is because of cancer.


Hi, my name is Mary, and I was diagnosis about three years ago with Stage 3 Rental Disease, but no one has ever said this was or is associated with Kidney Cancer. My blood is checked every three months and it always shows that I am still in stage 3. Is this the same as what you all are going through or different?


My name is ron the farmer and im her e because of Gods grace I was diagnosed renal cell carcinomas in my kidney 75% was a blob I have been taking 200mil of keytruda every 3 weeks and everyday I take lenvima 20mill I have been training eating right two in care of my add who is aftern8 months I feel great in getting some of the strength back I use to have.i feel like the cancer is gone?

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Thank you for sharing. I get a CT scan every 3 months to ‘see’ what is happening with my kidney cancer that spread to a lymph node attached to my lung. Last scan determined I did ‘respond’ to drugs and the lymph node is back to normal size. This does not confirm the cancer is gone. I continue to take cabometyx daily (target drug) and get an IV immunotherapy drug every 4 weeks. I will get a CT scan again in September.
I believe I am cancer free by Gods grace and the drugs. I feel very very blessed and live each day with a smile and a prayer!


My name is ron the farmer and im her e because of Gods grace I was diagnosed renal cell carcinomas in my kidney 75% was a blob I have been taking 200mil of keytruda every 3 weeks and everyday I take lenvima 20mill I have been training eating right two in care of my add who is aftern8 months I feel great in getting some of the strength back I use to have.i feel like the cancer is gone?

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Was the affected kidney removed?

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