Mantle cell lymphoma: what testing is done when on watch & wait?

Posted by allzac @allzac, Sep 9, 2024

What should be tested and how often during wait and watch mantle cell lymphoma?

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@allzac, welcome. I moved your question to the Blood Cancers & Disorders support group where you will find other members talking about mantle cell lymphoma. See all related discussions here:
Watch and wait can seem like a scary proposition and an odd treatment choice. I prefer to call it active surveillance because it isn't a passive treatment, but rather your cancer team monitors you closely for changes that may indicate the need for additional treatment.

As such, you're asking a great question. What does this surveillance entail? How often are you tested and what tests should be done. I'm tagging fellow mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) members like @sweede536 @jujubee @nhlbob @arbutus @angelu94 @ffb1234 @denyelle18 so they can share their watch and wait testing and followup schedules.

@allzac, how often will you be monitored? What tests were done to diagnose MCL for you?

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