Vulvar Cancer: Anyone else?

Posted by ali1974 @ali1974, Nov 12, 2020

I have posted on other discussion group about my struggle with my health, previous cancer stories and concerns for my genetic history. I can’t seem to get a break. I just had a biopsy today to rule out vulvar cancer. I honestly didn’t even know there was such a thing. Has anyone been diagnosed with this and is it more common than what I have been reading?
I am BRCA2 and MSH6 positive. 2 time breast cancer and ovarian cancer survivor I have lived a drug and alcohol free life it just doesn’t end!


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.


I suffer the same. I am 2 years out from surgery/chemo/radiation for stage 3 vulvar cancer. I did have some lymph nodes removed too. Unfortunately my Dr said it is my new "normal". The cream does help some in the moment. Vulvar cancer is a form of skin cancer so I am glad they finally took a look at your mole. I pray for a successful surgery for you.

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What cream are you using & for what symptoms?
Thanks for any feedback.


I think we’re all trying to figure out our new normal.
I do experience itching and irritation. My dr was giving me a prescription for a yeast / fungal infection that helped. I have been using Vagisil and Monistat, both are over the counter and much cheaper and most important, they work.
I am also getting frequent UTI’s, which I never had before.
I still have to know where the restrooms are, but it’s a fantastic day when I realize I’ve been out for several hours running errands… and no “issues”! I definitely have learned to appreciate the little things.

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Were you itchy & irritated from a yeast/fungal infection? Is that why your doctor prescribed it?


I had surgery yesterday in Walnut Creek, California Kaiser for an INGUINAL SENTINEL LYMPH NODE BIOPSY - Bilateral - GroinVULVECTOMY RADICAL.
My pet scan showed negative for any disease in lymph nodes.
I am just wondering if anyone has had surgery and everything looks good and then it metastasized to a different area and how long it took?

Also has anyone used immunotherapy instead of radiation?


@echozepher Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. This is a very active Discussion in our Gynecological Cancers Support Group and so I know that you will hear the experiences from others in this Discussion and they will answer your questions.

Your surgery was just yesterday? How are you feeling today?


What cream are you using & for what symptoms?
Thanks for any feedback.

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I was using a compounded cream of Lidocaine and silvadene cream. I really like that one....when I asked for a refill they gave me clobetasol propionate ointment. Which is ok.


@echozepher Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. This is a very active Discussion in our Gynecological Cancers Support Group and so I know that you will hear the experiences from others in this Discussion and they will answer your questions.

Your surgery was just yesterday? How are you feeling today?

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Feeling good. Not in any pain.


I was using a compounded cream of Lidocaine and silvadene cream. I really like that one....when I asked for a refill they gave me clobetasol propionate ointment. Which is ok.

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What kind of symptoms do you have? I get a lot of itchiness. Thought lidocaine was a numbing cream & silvadene was for burns?


Were you itchy & irritated from a yeast/fungal infection? Is that why your doctor prescribed it?

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Yes, it was a fungal infection. I am still getting them and currently using Vagisil. It is helping a lot. I have noticed when I have diarrhea episodes, it tends to get worse. Then it’s time for Greek yogurt for breakfast.
I have also discovered wearing “boy short” underwear helps a lot. I wore them going through radiation but have started wearing them again when I need to.


Feeling good. Not in any pain.

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@echozepher Oh, good. I'm glad to hear that. Considering that you just had surgery that's wonderful. Thanks for letting me know.


Thank you so much. The time for all of my tests is fast approaching and I am extremely anxious. I have read so much about this cancer and most of what I have been reading is terrifying. I am comforted by the fact that I am not the only one to have faced this challenge. I was told I have lichen sclerosis, but now am not sure I do. I need answers and have to get this all straight in mind and try to accept what is happening.

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Has anyone suffered with Extramammary pagets disease ? I had vulvar cancer stage 1b I. May 2023. Read it could come back as EMPD. Is that true?

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