Vestibular migraines

Posted by grandmajeanie002 @grandmajeanie002, Feb 26 4:47pm

I am dizzy every day...everything I do causes worse dizziness. It seems to be getting worse with age. I am 75 yrs. Old. I consider myself with a disability as I can do absolutely nothing without being dizzy. Some days I can't shower, all exercise masked it worse, walking is best but still a challenge. I have been told there is no cure.
Does anyone else suffer as I do?

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Hear you .. aging is no fun - am 72 yrs old! and realising that there is definitely a change in my movements and on my energy level - to do chores like I used to be able to handle! Also to add on - there is the late effects of radiation - severe neck fibrosis, dysarthria, dysphagia, hearing loss, etc etc that I have to deal with, handle, and adapt to!
It's tough going (for me) -- best is to take 1 day at a time!
Keep well!


Hi, @grandmajeanie002,
Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Being told you have something for which there is no cure is difficult. Not being able to take a shower would also be tough.

Do you have a diagnosis of vestibular migraine?


Hello @grandmajeanie002. Dizziness or vertigo can be life altering for sure, especially when it is constant. I have a couple of reasons for mine and luckily these days it is not constant. What kind of diagnostics have you had? Have your doctors prescribed any medications for you? My sister was just diagnosed with these migraines and she is 67. At her doctor's suggestion she stopped one of her medications and a supplement she has taken for years. So far, no more episodes since then. When vertigo flares up I actually get the best relief from Dramamine. It makes me sleepy but also relieves much of the vertigo. Mine is due to a benign tumor on the vestibular nerve discovered on an MRI (Vestibular Schwannoma). I also have IPPV which can sometimes be relieved with positional changes called the Epley Maneuver.


Hello @grandmajeanie002. Dizziness or vertigo can be life altering for sure, especially when it is constant. I have a couple of reasons for mine and luckily these days it is not constant. What kind of diagnostics have you had? Have your doctors prescribed any medications for you? My sister was just diagnosed with these migraines and she is 67. At her doctor's suggestion she stopped one of her medications and a supplement she has taken for years. So far, no more episodes since then. When vertigo flares up I actually get the best relief from Dramamine. It makes me sleepy but also relieves much of the vertigo. Mine is due to a benign tumor on the vestibular nerve discovered on an MRI (Vestibular Schwannoma). I also have IPPV which can sometimes be relieved with positional changes called the Epley Maneuver.

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I was diagnosed with a vestibular schwanoma and have dizziness and balance issues..recently been feeling strong pain behind my left ear on the side of the schwanoma, has anyone had this pain that lasts a minute or two
Thank you


I was diagnosed with a vestibular schwanoma and have dizziness and balance issues..recently been feeling strong pain behind my left ear on the side of the schwanoma, has anyone had this pain that lasts a minute or two
Thank you

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I have had no pain with my VS in the 13 years that I have known it was there. Mine has proven to be quite slow in its growth over this time. It is affecting my hearing though and I rely on a hearing aid on both sides now.


Thank you for responding
I have no hearing in the left ear without the hearing aids. Hopefully I don’t lose that

Thank you


So sorry to hear about your troubles. Please don’t give up! I’m in my 70s, too, and have found many things can help. A vestibular physical therapist in your area could be a great resource. VEDA is a great national resource you can explore online.

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