Vascular neuropathy?

Posted by jair19 @jair19, Jan 25, 2021

Hi - I am wondering if any of you that are dealing with neuropathy have found that it is actually due to vascular or circulatory issues instead of neurological issues. I have had numbness and tingling in my arms and legs for 2 years. It also includes other symptoms, including muscle fatigue, legs aching, knots in my muscles, etc. I have had every neurological test my dr could come up with and have had normal results on everything. I also had digestive issues that started, leaving me with a lack of appetite, feeling full, feeling sick to my stomach for a year and a half, to the point where I lost 45 pounds without trying. We have looked at neuro stuff and autoimmune stuff, GI stuff, lots of blood tests, scans, procedures, etc and are left with no answers. Recently, I had a blood clot (DVT) and in the process of dealing with that whole situation, I have been wondering if I have circulatory issues instead of neuro stuff. The DVT was due to a narrowing in my iliac vein (May Thurner’s syndrome) and it doesn’t really explain all of the other issues going on -though it made the pain in my legs and hips at the time go away when the clot was removed. The numbness and tingling is still there as much as or more than before, but since I have been on blood thinners, the digestive issues just disappeared. Then, I recently saw an article /ad for a local vascular center that started with something like “are you having trouble with neuropathy? Many people with neuropathy are actually suffering from vascular issues instead or neurological issues” I know peripheral artery disease (PAD) can cause some of these issues, and diabetes, but I don’t have diabetes (they have checked many times) and I am not overweight (because of all of the digestive issues) and I go walking almost every day, so it isn’t a problem with not exercising, my cholesterol is fine, so it doesn’t seem likely that PAD is the problem. The other stuff I have looked up usually affect smokers, and I have never smoked. I am just wondering if anyone here got answers that took them in the vascular direction. Thanks.

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I have had neuropathy for about two years and recently My foot doctor sent me to a vein specialists for discoloration around the ankle area of both my legs...

The vein doctor told me I have vein issues in my lower legs and it might also be the cause of my neuropathy as well...

Per my insurance I have to wait six weeks and then I can start having treatments which will be minor surgery to shut down any veins that are not working properly (leaking)...

Time will tell if this surgery will help my neuropathy...

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Hi - I’m just curious, does your neuropathy only affect your legs? I’m asking because I have veins you describe in one of my ankle areas (but neuropathy in all 4 extremities)


Hi - I’m just curious, does your neuropathy only affect your legs? I’m asking because I have veins you describe in one of my ankle areas (but neuropathy in all 4 extremities)

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Debbie... Yes, Sometimes my fingers and hands tingle and they sometimes feel numb for short periods at a time... I do not know "as of now" if the vascular problem is the cause of the neuropathy, but I have also read where vascular problems in one area can cause neuropathy symptoms and also will effect the whole body... I do not have a problem with swelling of my legs or other extremities... I do have diabetes but it is under control as my A1C is 5.8 ... When my diabetes was bad at first my lower legs would swell just a bit, so I attributed the neuropathy to the diabetes.. But my Vascular doctor told me that the lower leg discoloration is a vascular problem that needs to be corrected as it will get worse and do more damage as time goes on, and this can cause neuropathy symptom's as well... So the doctor is going to map out all the veins in my legs and then close off all the broken veins that are leaking.... I am hoping my insurance coverage will cover the procedure, and it most likely will... P.S. I do not have varicose veins.. Just discoloration around the upper area of my ankles...


Debbie... Yes, Sometimes my fingers and hands tingle and they sometimes feel numb for short periods at a time... I do not know "as of now" if the vascular problem is the cause of the neuropathy, but I have also read where vascular problems in one area can cause neuropathy symptoms and also will effect the whole body... I do not have a problem with swelling of my legs or other extremities... I do have diabetes but it is under control as my A1C is 5.8 ... When my diabetes was bad at first my lower legs would swell just a bit, so I attributed the neuropathy to the diabetes.. But my Vascular doctor told me that the lower leg discoloration is a vascular problem that needs to be corrected as it will get worse and do more damage as time goes on, and this can cause neuropathy symptom's as well... So the doctor is going to map out all the veins in my legs and then close off all the broken veins that are leaking.... I am hoping my insurance coverage will cover the procedure, and it most likely will... P.S. I do not have varicose veins.. Just discoloration around the upper area of my ankles...

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Thanks - it adds to my list to try to have in my discussion with my neurologist. I appreciate your information, and best wishes on your journey!


thanks, I get this a lot...tried to completely control the sugar with insulin and diet. Still get dizzy getting up. BAD LEGS in the a.m. but keep walking. M.

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