Varying HCG levels

Posted by Hoppe @karig, Nov 25, 2022

Hello, I am pregnant with 4.5 week ultrasound noting embryo but no sac yet. Therefore my HCG level is being checked very closely. In 8 days it has gone from 450 to 350 back up to 450 and today 550…I have had some spotting/mini period but no cramping. Providers have warned me that I could be miscarrying. I have another ultrasound in 5 days. Anyone have experience with fluctuations in HCG while in early pregnancy? Thanks

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Hi @karig, this must be a fearful and distressing time for you. As you know, the further along in pregnancy, the hCG level gets higher. I'm tagging fellow members @phoenixzip and @loren12, who may be able to provide some thoughts about fluctuating hCG levels, and support.

I'll be thinking of you as you prepare for the upcoming ultrasound. I know the waiting is tough. How do you keep yourself distracted?

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