Valacyclovir for Chronic Active Epstein-Barr and Fatigue?
Has anyone in this support group have or have had Chronic Active Epstein-Barr and/or severe fatigue due to EB? If so, has anyone been prescribed Valacyclovir (Herpes Antiviral medication)? Did this provide improvement? Per my request, my doctor just prescribed me Valacyclovir for 10 days. This is based on my own research and online posts.
I had heart valve replacement surgery 2.5 years ago (which I do regret as you will read below why). Since surgery I don't respond to anti-depressants. In addition to the treatment resistant depression that started post surgery, I have experienced cycles of cold/flu symptoms (which started a year ago). The ongoing effect of these cycles has been drastically increased fatigue (brain and body), increasing depression, anxiety. The symptoms have become debilitating. I have had numerous medical tests performed (including scans). The only abnormality was the EB antibody levels (results below). I am so frustrated and disappointed that there is no "approved" treatment for Chronic Epstein Barr.
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I know you posted this a long time ago, but I am looking into trying Valtrex for Chronic EBV. Did you end up trying it? Was it effective? Did your energy improve? Are you able to be more active again? I’m an endurance athlete and have been battling my latest flare up for 2.5 years now. If you’ve tried other anti virals or meds, please list with results if you’d be so kind! Thank you!