Vaginal pain Lichen Planus

Posted by painfulplanus @painfulplanus, Jan 20, 2019

Anyone have suggestions for vaginal pain caused by Lichen Planus - Anyone use CBD OIL

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Does anyone have any treatments for vaginal lichen Planus. I would appreciate any information you may have.

My name is Wanda D

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@snowslow1 Good morning. Has the Clobetasol been working for you? Let’s hope that @maryz is still active and can respond to you. Let me ask @bustrbrwn22 if she will join this conversation . How long have you had lichen planus?


@snowslow1 Good morning. Has the Clobetasol been working for you? Let’s hope that @maryz is still active and can respond to you. Let me ask @bustrbrwn22 if she will join this conversation . How long have you had lichen planus?

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I have had it 15 years and the Clobesterol helps, but I was wondering if anything helps to get rid of it.


I have had it 15 years and the Clobesterol helps, but I was wondering if anything helps to get rid of it.

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@snowslow1 @becsbuddy the only thing that put my LP/OLP/planopilaris into remission was high dose prednisone tapers while starting on hydroxychloroquine for maintenance. Of course there are side effects from prednisone and hydroxychloroquine but you have to weigh the factors and decide what’s best for you. Clobetasol is a super potent steroid so the regular use of it will eat away at your tissue. I wish a doctor had told me that before I started using all over. This is a terrible, under-rated in terms of damage disease. I truly hope the best for you. Please let me know if you have any questions or just want to vent


@snowslow1 @becsbuddy the only thing that put my LP/OLP/planopilaris into remission was high dose prednisone tapers while starting on hydroxychloroquine for maintenance. Of course there are side effects from prednisone and hydroxychloroquine but you have to weigh the factors and decide what’s best for you. Clobetasol is a super potent steroid so the regular use of it will eat away at your tissue. I wish a doctor had told me that before I started using all over. This is a terrible, under-rated in terms of damage disease. I truly hope the best for you. Please let me know if you have any questions or just want to vent

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Have you had any side effects from the Prednisone or
Hydroxychloroquine. The doctor has not told me about the Clobesterol eating away the tissue.
Are you having problems now and are you still on the 2 medications. Just let me know if their is anything else that I can do.


Have you had any side effects from the Prednisone or
Hydroxychloroquine. The doctor has not told me about the Clobesterol eating away the tissue.
Are you having problems now and are you still on the 2 medications. Just let me know if their is anything else that I can do.

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@snowslow1 - I recently had a recurrence of oral lichen planus but this time also vaginal and anal. On top that I also had a yeast infection. I was prescribed Nystatin oral rinse which did nothing for me. Then I was prescribed oral Prednisolone rinse and that eased it some, but still did not clear it. Finally my specialist prescribed Lyderm gel to apply on my cheeks and gums with a QTip twice a day for seven or eight days. Tasted ghastly, but it did the trick! Cleared the yeast and oral lichen planus in my mouth as well as the vaginal and anal even though I had used it only in my mouth.

I was surprised that my specialist prescribed that for inside my mouth as the label on the tube of Lyderm said it is not to be used internally but my pharmacist said this was “off label” (?) treatment. It worked well for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


@snowslow1 - I recently had a recurrence of oral lichen planus but this time also vaginal and anal. On top that I also had a yeast infection. I was prescribed Nystatin oral rinse which did nothing for me. Then I was prescribed oral Prednisolone rinse and that eased it some, but still did not clear it. Finally my specialist prescribed Lyderm gel to apply on my cheeks and gums with a QTip twice a day for seven or eight days. Tasted ghastly, but it did the trick! Cleared the yeast and oral lichen planus in my mouth as well as the vaginal and anal even though I had used it only in my mouth.

I was surprised that my specialist prescribed that for inside my mouth as the label on the tube of Lyderm said it is not to be used internally but my pharmacist said this was “off label” (?) treatment. It worked well for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Have you had anymore episodes with LP sinus you used the Lyderm! I’m trying to get all the information I can so that I can let my doctor know.

Thank you for information.


Have you had anymore episodes with LP sinus you used the Lyderm! I’m trying to get all the information I can so that I can let my doctor know.

Thank you for information.

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Since instead of sinus.


Have you had anymore episodes with LP sinus you used the Lyderm! I’m trying to get all the information I can so that I can let my doctor know.

Thank you for information.

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@snowslow1 - it’s been a little over a month and I’m still clear. However LP, like psoriasis, cannot be cured but just kept in control. My doctor said I can use Lyderm again if it recurs. So far I have not needed to do so.


Thank you so much for all of the information.


Thank you so much for all of the information.

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@snowslow1 - make sure you get the gel form of Lyderm.

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