Vaginal discharge without infection

Posted by dominos123 @dominos123, Jul 16, 2023

Hi everyone,
does anyone have problems with constant white and thick discharge without any vaginal infection? When I’m not using probiotics apt others vaginal suppositories I feel itching and burning. It seems like Candida but all my test were negative. I’ve tested negative on STD’s: mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and Ghonorea. Also tested negative on HPV virus and on my bacteriological swab there are not present yeast nor fungi nor pathogen bacterias.

Please if anyone has same problem or if anyone has solved this, let me know…
It’s really frustrating and depressing…

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You said both bacterial and yeast vaginosis were ruled out, but maybe that needs to be revisited? It seems obvious that something is wrong, so in my opinion it would be better to find out what it is.

Life is very busy and hectic, but ideally if I were you, I'd want to make another appointment. In the meantime you can (ideally) get as much rest as possible and do other things to help your immune system like eating a healthy and balanced diet and maybe even taking some vitamins, including B vitamins , C and maybe even E. Or a multivitamin, if you don't take one already.

I've also seen suggestions to wear loose clothing and breathable (cotton) undies, to help the balance of micro-organisms stay balanced.


You said both bacterial and yeast vaginosis were ruled out, but maybe that needs to be revisited? It seems obvious that something is wrong, so in my opinion it would be better to find out what it is.

Life is very busy and hectic, but ideally if I were you, I'd want to make another appointment. In the meantime you can (ideally) get as much rest as possible and do other things to help your immune system like eating a healthy and balanced diet and maybe even taking some vitamins, including B vitamins , C and maybe even E. Or a multivitamin, if you don't take one already.

I've also seen suggestions to wear loose clothing and breathable (cotton) undies, to help the balance of micro-organisms stay balanced.

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Dear Scolio,
Thank you for the answer. I agree with you when you say that obvious something is wrong.
I’ve also tested negative for Trihomonas (forgot to say) and I didn’t have sexual contact after first time I went testing.
My doctors tought first it was a yeast so prescribed me a lot of anti fugal meds. but that didn’t work bcs results showed that there aren’t yeast or fungi present.
I went to second doctor and he tought it is BV so he prescribed me 500 mg orally 3x day for 7 days metrodinazol and some vaginal suppositories. This therapy was really really hard to handle bcs metrodinazol is very strong medication.
But even after that nothing changed.

I’m taking vitamins B12, B6, D3, C, E, A sometimes and zinc and magnesium but it seems nothing changed. I’ve changed my way of eating and also using a lot of probiotics (orally pills and yogurt). I sleep well. I’m not stressed. I’m feeling good.
And not having any others issues except this. It is really frustrating bcs it least for a year and longer…


And on results of my bacteriological swab writes:
Normal bacterial flora has grown
And that there are present:
few epithelial cells, few polymorphonuclear leukocytes, gram positive bacilli and gram positive cocci.
It says that there is infection but not candida (fungi, yeast) not gardanela, not Trihomonas, or others STI’s


I have a similar or same situation except I did test pos for candida and got a prescription which eliminated the itching but not the discharge. I believe it makes sense that that the non-itch discharge could be related to my long term use of low dose Estradiol. But I have not discussed that with a doctor, so don’t know. I won’t stop using Estradiol as it has so many benefits and I do know the warnings, but have decided the risk/benefit weighs in favor of benefits. Not all will agree , I know.


Link, quote, and more reading from a search for:
gram positive cocci on swab
--from a bing search engine:

"Gram-positive cocci on a swab are bacteria that appear as round, purple cells under a microscope. They may indicate an infection such as streptococcal vaginitis, which causes inflammation and discharge1. Gram-positive cocci are different from the normal vaginal flora, which consists mainly of Lactobacillus bacteria that appear as gram-negative or gram-variable rods1. A culture and a penicillin treatment may be needed to confirm and treat the infection1."!

I'm so glad to hear that you are generally healthy otherwise and getting good nutrition and rest!

I was having a similar problem a few years ago, and I think mine was partly related to nutrition since I was going through some food insecurity and didn't always eat what I wanted/needed. I never got in to see a doctor. I stopped wearing some of the clothes I had been wearing on the suspicion that there could be a possibility of a 're-infecting' type cycle going on, despite laundering.
I also started up again with taking a b-complex (which I had dropped for a while), plus some extra biotin since all the b vitamins work together and the one I got at a local store had very little biotin in it. I also started taking some zinc daily but not the whole pill, only maybe 1/4 of a pill per day.
One tool that has helped me with my nutrition is the 'recipe nutrition calculator' on which as of now is still free I believe, but the website says they will be moving to a paid subscription model. A similar site is cronometer, if you aren't already familiar with those. There are things I thought I was getting enough of when really I wasn't.


Link, quote, and more reading from a search for:
gram positive cocci on swab
--from a bing search engine:

"Gram-positive cocci on a swab are bacteria that appear as round, purple cells under a microscope. They may indicate an infection such as streptococcal vaginitis, which causes inflammation and discharge1. Gram-positive cocci are different from the normal vaginal flora, which consists mainly of Lactobacillus bacteria that appear as gram-negative or gram-variable rods1. A culture and a penicillin treatment may be needed to confirm and treat the infection1."!

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Scolio, thank you very much.
I’ve talked with my doctor about this and positive coccus bacteria and done isolated swab only on streptococcal bacteria but the results were negative.
In my swabs there are not isolated pathogen bacteria so my doctor doesn’t want to prescribe me any antibiotics since these result shows that normal vaginal flora is disbalanced.
And I’m using probiotics for 3-4 months, orally and vaginal. Now using also boric acid suppositories. But whatever I do results are always same and show disbalanced flora and vaginal discharge is there.

I really don’t understand how does this all work, I’m trying to understand and to find best solution, but I’m not doctor… 😔

I’m not sure but I think that streptococcal bacteria is present in normal vaginal flora also but in minor measure.


I don't understand this, either! It's so difficult to know what to do when you just want to feel better!
I guess it's good news at least that there aren't supposedly too much of the pathogenic bacteria? But so frustrating that you still don't have any clear answers.
If I were to take a guess, I'd have to wonder if all the strong medications could have somehow contributed to things becoming imbalanced; although having a theory about the cause still doesn't do anything to solve the problem.
I only have my own experience to offer you, which is not even the same situation. I don't know what else you can try. I did a lot of the same things you are doing (changing diet etc) and I don't even know what it was that finally helped.


I don't understand this, either! It's so difficult to know what to do when you just want to feel better!
I guess it's good news at least that there aren't supposedly too much of the pathogenic bacteria? But so frustrating that you still don't have any clear answers.
If I were to take a guess, I'd have to wonder if all the strong medications could have somehow contributed to things becoming imbalanced; although having a theory about the cause still doesn't do anything to solve the problem.
I only have my own experience to offer you, which is not even the same situation. I don't know what else you can try. I did a lot of the same things you are doing (changing diet etc) and I don't even know what it was that finally helped.

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I’m going to doctors whole last year. And I’ve changed 5-6 doctors. I’ve tried to solve problem with medication (antifugal for yeast and metrodinazol for BV) and used a lot of them but it didn’t helped.

My gyno thinks that my vaginal flora is disbalanced so he’s giving me only probiotics and natural supplements. He doesn’t want to prescribe me any medication until he gets positive test on some photogenic bacteria and I agree with him but still, after 3-4 months of using natural supplements and probiotics and boric acid the results are always same - normal vaginal flora has grown.
I’ve done swab 9 times in 13 months.
I think… I’m glad that I don’t have pathogen bacteria but still this is lasting too long and it’s so frustrating and depressing.

Thank you for your help and comments it really means a lot to me! 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽🩷

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