Urinary symptoms for 2 years straight

Posted by k10 @k10, Nov 24, 2023

For the past two years, I have been dealing with the following symptoms - I went to different doctors bur I’m 100% certain they’re missing something since my symptoms are pretty different to each other. I don’t know what to do anymore, it’s affecting my life in every single way.

Just as background info, I’ve been masturbating vigorously for years and I’m certain that this is the cause for my issues - I think I’ve damaged some sort of tissue/nerve internally which is causing all this. My symptoms are:

- constant Bloating/ swollen abdomen. Worsen after drinking
- abdominal pain when touching in
- Lower abdominal pain
- dissatisfaction after urination
- peeing less than I drink
- Ejaculation pain
- pus in sperm
- penile edema while flaccid
- penis is too elastic - meaning that i can turn it around however i want while flaccid
- penile pain when starting to get aroused
- dissatisfaction during orgasm
- feeling that i want to pee everytime i try to masturbate
- constant tightness in lower abdomen/bladder
- flank and mid back pain (comes and goes)
- pins and needles feeling in legs, upper area mainly
- general feeling of tiredness and feeling of throwing up after doing an activity that requires physical effort
- Inflammation feeling in my anus
- Bladder doesn’t seem to get full after drinking

I went to do an ultrasound on my bladder the other day and they want it to be full - they made me drink 5 cups of water and I went back in 20 min to re-do it and it wasn’t full. The nurse who did it for me told me it’s odd for someone my age that their bladder won’t get full in this time frame.

Even when I got back home, I didn’t pee and didn’t get the feeling the whole day.

I’ve recently done a kidney function test and the results are normal according to the lab (I feel its high for someone my age tho)

- Urea; 38 (10-50)
- Creatinine: 1.10 (0.7-1.2)

Urinalysis doesn’t show anything alarming - sometimes there’s +1 protein in it.

Only other thing is i had bacteria in my semen analysis (doctor asked me to test) about 2 years ago and I took antibiotics for it but I never re-tested to see if it has been resolved or not.

Any help would be appreciated - I live in the UK btw

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Kidney & Bladder Support Group.

If you haven't been seen by a urologist in awhile, you might want to make an appointment. Sounds like more testing may be in order. Best to you!


Have your Dr check you for Klebsiella Pneumoniae, it can be found in your urin, and stool Test.
I went to the ER, with a sever UTI infection, Diag with KP, in my urine culture. Took antibiotics, they never helped. Now I'm dealing with it still, along with Yeast infection, and SIBO symptoms that men can have also.

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