Urinary Retention with Poor Voiding
Having difficulty last two days with Urinary retention with Poor ability to void…Trickle, Trickle.
Years ago had same thing happen but I had the opposite thing happen, I had a forceful and plentiful stream.
I went to urgent care (thinking they could cath me if needed) the dr said they don’t have foley’s there. No fever or urinary infection.
He gave me tamsulosin 0.4 1x a day. I told him that was what I had last time… So he prescribed it. I took first dose tonight. He said twice i might have to go to the er to empty me…
I don’t know why this is happening. Is this common? Does anyone know what causes this type of thing?
The dr referred me out to a urologist. This urologist was recommended by my neurologist as well. She has no opening until April. I will ask for an appointment but need help now.
I see my PCP tomorrow morning. The hospital is around the corner from there. So, I will see what she recommends.
I hope I get replies. I’m low, thinking that I’ll eventually have to have a catheter in order to pee.
Thank you.
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Hello, I'm sorry you are going through this. It is disturbing to feel sensations of needing to pee and hardly anything comes out. When I had an inflammation of my prostate, I had terrible pain and the same sensations you're likely having. I took Detrol LA, similar to tamsulosin, but it gave me an undesirable side effect.
Over the last few years, I didn't realize my prostate had grown so much until one day, August 2022, I had a pain in my flank / back area that I needed ultrasound. It not only showed that I had an extremely full bladder, but that both of my kidneys were full of urine too. I wonder for how long this had been going on. My kidney function declined because of this and it could be permanent. I was catheterized that same day in August and my kidney function has improved. Trust me when I say, you do not want this to happen to you and if this obstruction continues. Hopefully, this may not be your case?, But I wouldn't take any chances if I were you. A catheter saved my life. It takes a little getting used to. If you go to the ER, and tell them you may have hydronephrosis (water in the kidneys). This condition also elevates blood pressure to extremes which, in turn, damages the kidneys. Tell them this, and they may put you ahead of the others to give you an ultrasound of your bladder and kidneys, it's painless.
There is a facebook catheter support group that has been of tremendous help for me, as well as the people here. On facebook, it's more conversational, so you can exchange info, ask questions and get answers faster.
Catheteers, is the name. I suggest you get to an ER before the headaches, dizziness, fatigue and high blood pressure start.
I'm sorry to read of your problems with retention. I have had what you describe for a decade. My retention causes chronic UTI's. I have had two bladder surgeries to raise it into position hoping to create a better flow. Both started out OK, but then quickly failed and my poor flow and chronic UTI's returned. I have been on low dose antibiotics of various names, but nothing would keep the UTI's from returning as a result of poor flow or sometimes complete lack of flow. Recently I have been catharized as an emergency in the hospital and in the urologist office. Both times I had over 500 cc's of urine that I could not void. My bladder would cause horrible levels of pain and it is scary. Since the two emergencies, I have been taught to self catharize.... not pleasant, but better than an emergency room visit and, as my new urogynecologist told me, better than having even more serious issues with my kidneys as a result of serious retention.
I have recently been diagnosed with IC/Bladder Pain Syndrome because I do not always have a UTI when I have severe bladder pain and the inability to void. I think I'm on the path to managing this condition, using a pessary, a daily dose of amitriptyline for pain, and self cath when necessary. I am feeling better because I feel like I have some level of control back with the use of self cathing when necessary. This diagnosis and potential solutions are all new, within the last month, so I can't be sure the results are long lasting, but I'm happy to have some time of no pain. Don't give up. Change doctors if you don't get answers. My biggest regret was staying with a urologist that just kept prescribing anitbiotics for over ten years.
I know its been a while. Feeling for your situation I wanted to write and tell you my dr found I was having chronic kidney infections and I have to retrain my bladder when voiding. She said most woman arent’ taught to diagphramatic breathing whiles tryin to go and retrain the bladder. Breath in deeply thru the nose extending the stomach then try to go while exhaling and keep repeating until positive results. I thought she was nuts. Breathing? oh my goodness. She is right. There is a medical term for it but in the end proper retraining this type of retention (we hold a lot of tension in our muscles) so this loosens them up to be able to go. I hope this helps you. I know you are coping with a very serious condition. I’m just hoping what my dr found can help you too.
I had a similar problem, and got an order to see a pelvic floor physical therapist. This person taught me how to use my Kegels to support voiding, and also the proper breathing techniques to support bladder and bowl voiding.
Yes. My dr said I don’t need to do Kegels (I have too good a muscle tension) but do need the diaphragmatic breathing because I hold the tension in the floor muscles. Thank you for sharing your experience. Retraining to loosen up the floor muscles. I’m having good luck so far. I hope you are feeling better. These were pretty straight forward instructions she gave me. Sorry so blunt. It is what it is.
I had some recent night time voiding and eventually Urodynamics testing. Thereafter, i have been unable to pee at all since December 11. Now I have to self-catheterize 12 x day. I am desperate and feel like i have lost the joy in my life. I read that if bladder muscle damage has occurred, it is extremely serious. To date, I have been unable to see a urologist at Mayo. I would be very grateful any help, advice or concern. Tom.