Uneven leg length after hip replacement

Posted by drummergirl @drummergirl, Oct 11, 2023

I was operated on Sept 22, I immediately learned after my hip surgery that in spite of making all the right measurements, I ended up with a 1/2- 3/4 inch difference in my legs. It throws me off when I walk. I have ordered some shoe inserts that have helped, but I wondered if others have dealt with this. What have you done or what have you used to help correct? Did you ever get any improvement over time as you healed?

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Eddie Joe- I am horrified at what you have been through. You may want to see Dr Cameron Ledford at Mayo Jacksonville. Just call and ask for an appointment.
I really hope you find the right Dr and the right solution. So sorry for what you have gone through.

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To drummergirl,
Thank you very much for your words of concern and for referring the doctor at Mayo. Unfortunately,thus far, the orthopedic surgeons at Savannah's Memorial Hospital I have said that they cannot take on another surgeons problem. Each told me that it would be very difficult to find a surgeon that would be willing to get involved with another orthopedic surgeon regarding my injury. I am so hoping that Dr Cameron Ledford will take me on at Mayo Clinic.
Thank you for that reference and for caring.

Best wishes to every timeyou,
Ed (eddiejoe)


Hi @drummergirl

I had the opposite problem. My bad leg was shorter than the other one. Once the surgery was done (posterior RHR), they became the same length.

Right now dealing with some pain in my right knee. Probably related to my gait. I’ll ask at PT this week; perhaps a brace before I resume lifting.



So shocked at what you have had to endure! I was incredibly blessed with my surgical team and outcome (other threads have detailed feedback).

Best of luck to you and have patience!

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