Understanding Vitamin importance

Posted by stuckonu @stuckonu, Oct 17, 2019

Four MD’s seem to not value the importance of vitamin deficiencies and it’s interesting how I’ve bought into their apathy.
One of my VA pcp’S said to me: “ if you’ve been to one VAMC ( MC medical center ) then you’ve been to ONE VA. He told me that when I tried sharing with him what the FL VA was doing on a regular basis. In essence it was a shoulder shrug. He didn’t care and was not interested because he was here and not there and in fact he suggested that I go there is I was so impressed with the way that they conducted their procedures.
Last year the FL VA did a blood test that included B12 and D. Mine was so low that the nurse told me in 20 years she had never seen such low numbers. I immediately contact my home state pcp doc by secured message and he never replied. Months went by and the only reply I got was from his pharmacy consultant who I mistakingly called “ NURSE “ she dressed me down for not acknowledging her PhD in pharmacology. I sincerely apologized because I honestly did not know of her degree which I’m sure she studied heard to get but in spite of her PhD she also read me the riot act about the amount of B12 that I was taking within a given time frame. PhDs MDs and most medical professionals are firmly convinced that there is nothing the can learn from a patient.
My point to her was simple: take a test. If I’ve taken too much then it will show. I managed to get it taken and the results were high/normal. Her reply was that “ over time it will rise and you will be in the high range” The lab that took the test disagreed with her and over time the number went down.
But the D was not changing with 5000 units in pill form, sitting in the sun without sunscreen for most of two weeks, and focusing on non animal flesh D products. My number which started at .64 raised to 1.02 I purchased liquid D3 5000 units with an eye dropper and used it three times a day. No doctor required me to get my level tested. 9 months later my hometown VA pcp gave me a lecture about how no one knows the importance of vitamin D but he appeased me and added a test for D. Much to my surprised he sent me a letter to advise me that my B12 was down again but still low normal but my D was still considered critically low. He included an RX for 50000 units of D2 with 13 pills. No orders for follow up test.
Last Sunday I spent most of the day doing research on consequences of D deficiency. OMG! Every symptom that I’ve struggled with for over a year was listen including my hospitalization for digestive problems deemed small bowl obstruction. Now I’m not even sure about that.
I can list every new and major complaint but the three that surprise me the most is profuse sweating, h ot and cold swings which every doctor joked about “ menopause , and bizarre urination patterns. I tell myself everyday that I wish that I can wear a body camera like the police wear. Then I can post what I’m told and what the doctors don’t do. I also imagine the Charlie Brown cartoon with arrogant, holyer than though MDs hearing blah, blah, blah as they are not interested, have not time, and think patients are idiots who read too much internet.

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Furthermore: suppose I’m correct about some of my accusations? For instance: they ask if you’ve had any “ major “ weight gains or loses? Why ask? Why not look at the history? Besides, what is “ major “ if I normally weight 220 lbs is 20 lbs major? Suppose you weight 120 and the next time you visit the doctor you weigh 100 lbs. Does the nurse and or doctor need an app that alerts them to “ pay attention “?
Less common is your height. They never ask if there’s any major changes in height? That said, at my last visit the nurse took vitals and called out the numbers not for someone else writing things down but my guess was so I could hear the numbers. She calls out 5’10” I think WHAT???? I’ve been 6’1” since my freshman year in high school! 5’10”?!?!? WTF? But who noticed? Not the nurse, not the doctor, no one noticed or asked or checked the math. I’m saying this because I honestly believe that there are aspects of modern medicine that happen because WE THE PATIENTS ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN!
My artist mind was running wild. : next time I’m coming in as a woman or black, one of my artist cohorts who would love to do performance art with me ( she taught me everything I know about performance art ) would be the perfect person to bring me in on a leash dressed as The Shaggy Dog “ I sincerely wonder if any of these idiots with a sheep skin on the wall would notice? Maybe I could convince them that I herded the sheep that produced their diploma... and oh BTW I lived in another life time and invented the printing press; yes, I’m in fact Gutenberg
Can you tell that I’m ANGRY!!! Yes, ANGER is a consequence of low D, so are Rickets, bone cracks bone softness, pain, digestive problems vision problems and you can read about it if you are interested. But Doc D
( no joke D is the first initial of his last name and I call him: “ Doc D “ ( should I write it in red pencil? HA! )


Furthermore: suppose I’m correct about some of my accusations? For instance: they ask if you’ve had any “ major “ weight gains or loses? Why ask? Why not look at the history? Besides, what is “ major “ if I normally weight 220 lbs is 20 lbs major? Suppose you weight 120 and the next time you visit the doctor you weigh 100 lbs. Does the nurse and or doctor need an app that alerts them to “ pay attention “?
Less common is your height. They never ask if there’s any major changes in height? That said, at my last visit the nurse took vitals and called out the numbers not for someone else writing things down but my guess was so I could hear the numbers. She calls out 5’10” I think WHAT???? I’ve been 6’1” since my freshman year in high school! 5’10”?!?!? WTF? But who noticed? Not the nurse, not the doctor, no one noticed or asked or checked the math. I’m saying this because I honestly believe that there are aspects of modern medicine that happen because WE THE PATIENTS ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN!
My artist mind was running wild. : next time I’m coming in as a woman or black, one of my artist cohorts who would love to do performance art with me ( she taught me everything I know about performance art ) would be the perfect person to bring me in on a leash dressed as The Shaggy Dog “ I sincerely wonder if any of these idiots with a sheep skin on the wall would notice? Maybe I could convince them that I herded the sheep that produced their diploma... and oh BTW I lived in another life time and invented the printing press; yes, I’m in fact Gutenberg
Can you tell that I’m ANGRY!!! Yes, ANGER is a consequence of low D, so are Rickets, bone cracks bone softness, pain, digestive problems vision problems and you can read about it if you are interested. But Doc D
( no joke D is the first initial of his last name and I call him: “ Doc D “ ( should I write it in red pencil? HA! )

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Since Mayo Clinic provided me with lots of information about the D deficiency I decided to call them Tuesday morning and not knowing absolutely which field of specialty would deal with D deficiency I did my best to explain why I was calling. It’s nice and easy to ask for urology, or oncology, or any other well known field of expertise but what is a vitamin doctor called? Seriously I found 2 suggestions: endocrinologist or hematology. Let’s listen to the tape of the person who answered the phone early on Tuesday morning. I wonder if Mayo would be proud of her phone presence phone manners, bedside manner, my frustration on a daily basis with rude inept, crude, less than compassionate people who got a good paying job should be fired on the spot and recorded for all potential phone jockies just to give them an idea of what will not be tolerated.
I can not put a number on my pain level today. Living alone does have its down side.
I am wondering if there is a name for this kind of crying that happens to me everyday. The warrior who served his country does not want to call in “ crying “ I’m not making the crying sounds that if someone could hear me they would say : “ that man is crying “ I don’t feel sad for myself it’s plain and simple PAIN I know how to buck up to pain. It’s not that it’s below me to holler out and cry in that traditional wailing. But this isn’t that. This is just pain that brings tears to my eyes. I’m not embarrassed by them I just don’t know if they have a special name.
Sorry, I’m rambling again


Since Mayo Clinic provided me with lots of information about the D deficiency I decided to call them Tuesday morning and not knowing absolutely which field of specialty would deal with D deficiency I did my best to explain why I was calling. It’s nice and easy to ask for urology, or oncology, or any other well known field of expertise but what is a vitamin doctor called? Seriously I found 2 suggestions: endocrinologist or hematology. Let’s listen to the tape of the person who answered the phone early on Tuesday morning. I wonder if Mayo would be proud of her phone presence phone manners, bedside manner, my frustration on a daily basis with rude inept, crude, less than compassionate people who got a good paying job should be fired on the spot and recorded for all potential phone jockies just to give them an idea of what will not be tolerated.
I can not put a number on my pain level today. Living alone does have its down side.
I am wondering if there is a name for this kind of crying that happens to me everyday. The warrior who served his country does not want to call in “ crying “ I’m not making the crying sounds that if someone could hear me they would say : “ that man is crying “ I don’t feel sad for myself it’s plain and simple PAIN I know how to buck up to pain. It’s not that it’s below me to holler out and cry in that traditional wailing. But this isn’t that. This is just pain that brings tears to my eyes. I’m not embarrassed by them I just don’t know if they have a special name.
Sorry, I’m rambling again

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@stuckonu I commend you for seeking information about Vitamin D deficiency from Mayo Clinic. Did you call the main appointment request line for answers? If yes, then I can imagine that the phone call left you feeling like you didn't get any answers. If you are a Mayo patient, you can post the question on the patient portal. If not, there is a ton of information posted my Mayo experts, endocrinologists and educators online. Here are a few examples:

- What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-deficiency/faq-20058397
- What is vitamin D toxicity, and should I worry about it since I take supplements? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Vitamin D — too much or too little can lead to health problems https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-vitamin-d-too-much-or-too-little-can-lead-to-health-problems/
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Getting enough vitamin D https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-getting-enough-vitamin-d/
- The Death D-fying Vitamin https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30313-6/fulltext


@stuckonu Isnt it something how the Dr., don't listen to patients. Good for you in doing research This is so important for any disease or vit,min, herbs , homeopathic. Ive studied holistic meds since the 70,s using them instead of being bombarded with prescription meds with all those side effects cause you may be taking 2 or more for the side effects. ADVOCATE for yourself everyone


All I can say is wow....and a whole lot more but good for you for pursuing this topic and your vitamin deficiency.

First, Doctors don’t practice holistic medicine as a rule. If you don’t have a diagnosable condition then you are healthy. I would personally seek out a nutritionist, a holistic Doctor or , my favorite, a Nurse Practitioner . NPs as primary providers will bring a whole level of care that you don’t ordinarily get with Physicians. They treat you as a partner in your healthcare.

A lab test, like a blood test is affected by so many factors ....age, gender, diet and nutrition, medications, cardiac function, life style like exercise or smoking etc.
Tests show if you fall within the normal ranges...numbers which were derived from testing healthy people. Healthy is not a simple matter to determine. But normal ranges vary from person to person.

Ranges can vary from lab to lab and how the samples are transported can affect results. Those lower and upper limit numbers are not absolute and those numbers also vary from lab to lab. So I wouldn’t worry about being a little outside the normal range. Your Vitamin D deficiency , however, is a different matter.

Doctors who recommend that you take a particular vitamin are usually not concerned with and don’t discriminate between different brands. Brand A is not always the equivalent of Brand B and Brand A may not be as effective as Brand B. We do our own research or seek out someone like a nutritionist who can guide us. Ideally our vitamins should come from food but realistically we either don’t eat the right food or we cook all the essentials vitamins right out of it.

This is by no means Doctor shaming but this is the way the medical profession operates. Nutrition is a complicated part of medicine. We need more people who really know their stuff in this area. I have seen too many positive medical reversals of disease and disabling physical problems not to believe in the power of diet and nutrition.

When we can’t get the help we so desperately need and we know things are not right....that’s when we have to be so vocal and assertive. Even with the best diet and nutritional knowledge, tests are still necessary as a guide. It’s up to each individual to take charge and be your own advocate.

I hope you get resolution soon.

Regards from FL Mary


@stuckonu I commend you for seeking information about Vitamin D deficiency from Mayo Clinic. Did you call the main appointment request line for answers? If yes, then I can imagine that the phone call left you feeling like you didn't get any answers. If you are a Mayo patient, you can post the question on the patient portal. If not, there is a ton of information posted my Mayo experts, endocrinologists and educators online. Here are a few examples:

- What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-deficiency/faq-20058397
- What is vitamin D toxicity, and should I worry about it since I take supplements? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Vitamin D — too much or too little can lead to health problems https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-vitamin-d-too-much-or-too-little-can-lead-to-health-problems/
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Getting enough vitamin D https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-getting-enough-vitamin-d/
- The Death D-fying Vitamin https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30313-6/fulltext

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Coleen, TY for the link. Although I don’t know for sure I’m already thinking some of your links I found doing me research that Sunday that I checked things out


When does our mind, fear, worry, or maybe the belief that we’re on the mend in some for of “ reality “ start playing a part in our health? Placebo in my humble opinion is indeed “ real “ while the definition suggests that a placebo effect is a form of result that has less to do with an actual medication as a sugar pill has a measurable effect on a patient and if we can separate a patient from their illness then the placebo effect works on that illness.
I’ve witnessed some things that seems to make no sense. But if a person gets better because they BELIEVE in the cure then maybe there hasn’t been enough study on the power of believing that you’ve been given the real thing and it’s working on you in a positive manner.
On the other end of that spectrum is the belief that nothing will work. My father who was a POW during WW 2 told us a story about a young man who was so “ heart sick “ ( my Dads words ) that he willed himself to death with-in a month of being captured.
I’m not sure how this fits into this discussion about vitamin deficiency but I keep think about that body camera idea that I know most doctors and facilities would not be in favor of, however I’ve heard that all companies that announce “ this call maybe recorded for training purposes might be giving the best kind of permission to record since they opened up the can of worms by informing you that the call may be recorded. The trick may be not informing THEM that YOU'RE DOING THE RECORDING. What judge would like to see/hear what’s being done?
I’ve seen recording devices in pens and even button holes. Imagine anyone who is less than above board in what they say and do.
Yesterday I found myself with a view that had me very confused. Turns out I was on the floor looking at the room from a strange angle. It could be that I passed out from lack of medication. No bruises or bumps on my head. So I’m waiting on a call back from Tuffs


@stuckonu I commend you for seeking information about Vitamin D deficiency from Mayo Clinic. Did you call the main appointment request line for answers? If yes, then I can imagine that the phone call left you feeling like you didn't get any answers. If you are a Mayo patient, you can post the question on the patient portal. If not, there is a ton of information posted my Mayo experts, endocrinologists and educators online. Here are a few examples:

- What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-deficiency/faq-20058397
- What is vitamin D toxicity, and should I worry about it since I take supplements? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Vitamin D — too much or too little can lead to health problems https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-vitamin-d-too-much-or-too-little-can-lead-to-health-problems/
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Getting enough vitamin D https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-getting-enough-vitamin-d/
- The Death D-fying Vitamin https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30313-6/fulltext

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Colleen, beside posting these links have you read, listened, watched any of them and if so are you open to sharing some of your thought’s
Something interesting and unexpected happened after watching the one that was in the center of my phone screen; it gave me several more Vit D studies. The one about prostate cancer blew me away for many reasons. I want to watch it again on a TV size screen and would like to watch it with a few other people who may have as much interest as I do. Thank You, TY, TY! You told me when I first joined connect that if I needed help to ask you. I feel as if there is a reason why you offered your help. TY AGAIN!



@stuckonu I commend you for seeking information about Vitamin D deficiency from Mayo Clinic. Did you call the main appointment request line for answers? If yes, then I can imagine that the phone call left you feeling like you didn't get any answers. If you are a Mayo patient, you can post the question on the patient portal. If not, there is a ton of information posted my Mayo experts, endocrinologists and educators online. Here are a few examples:

- What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-deficiency/faq-20058397
- What is vitamin D toxicity, and should I worry about it since I take supplements? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Vitamin D — too much or too little can lead to health problems https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-vitamin-d-too-much-or-too-little-can-lead-to-health-problems/
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Getting enough vitamin D https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-getting-enough-vitamin-d/
- The Death D-fying Vitamin https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30313-6/fulltext

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What is the icon next to the heart? It’s not toilet paper is it?
Just trying to be funny but I do not know for sure


I mentioned Tuffs before for several reasons. 1 my pcp is a Grad of Tuffs he got his MD degree there. They returned my call and asked 2 questions 1 which specialty care addresses Vitamin deficiency? ( I heard hematology and endocrinology so I asked which is the correct specialist and I asked why most of the information about vitamin D in particular is so conflicting and vague? ) I got the call back from Tuffs soon after placing my call and so far I have not received a call back. In a way I’m surprised in another way I’m not surprised at all.

I can go way off base by saying that I see these patterns in this century that lends itself to a pattern of avoidance very similar in a way to what I only used to see in politics when a simple, specific question is asked and a yes or no answer would suffice but one never gets a yes or no answer..

What really worries me is that it slips by without an eyebrow being raised. That means as I see it that they got away with something and it will continue getting worse that no one can put their finger on the defining moment that the world changed and nothing is important enough to have a screen like in the movie Network when the news anchor gives that incredible speech on the air telling his audience to yell out the window: “ I’m sick and tired of all of this and I’m not going to take it anymore “ but THAT WAS A MOVIE no one in real life will ever get to that place as natural disasters suddenly destroys everything because the deniers will argue that it’s all FAKE NEWS!
God help us all!

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