Undecided choice of drugs for Osteoporosis

Posted by peace44 @peace44, Oct 10, 2023

I am 80 years old women and have borderline osteoporosis which affects my entire body. My doctor wants me to take Prolia and the Rheumatologist wants me to take Reclast. I’m unhappy with both choices as the side effects are great and I do not tolerate new drugs well. I am very undecided and am considering doing not taking annty drugs for this condition. I have never had a fracture and I’m very active Any opinions or advice.

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To add to my already long post- really no followup meds. My osteoporosis journey has been mismanaged- mostly by me.


I am also trying to decide between Reclast or Fosomax. I think that I read that Reclast is better at keeping bone growth after Forteo.

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My endo, at my first visit ,9 months ago, after having a spinal fragility fracture ,meaning I didn't do anything traumatic to cause my fracture - I simply stood up off an unsupported couch by flexing forward... recommended Forteo , with Reclast as the follow up drug .His reason stated was that improvements made from Forteo are longer lasting in lengthen of time than with Fosamax. When I consulted with McCormick I told him I didn't want to be on drugs for life and he said I could do what he did - Forteo 2 yrs-Alendronate /Fosamax 1yr-- but because I had issues with Gerd in the past he said Actinol would better for me.
Now after my initial appt with McCormick some other testing was done. I am losing Calcium in my urine. He wants me to do the test again, cause he questions if I may have forgotten and taken CA supplements in the 48 hrs prior to testing . Though I think I did it correctly, but now have to get my endo to ok that test again and haven't heard back. I'm wondering if she might not give me the script. But in the meantime my endo had recommended a medication htcz- a blood pressure med that supposedly impacts bone density. I was looking to McCormick to have a different more natural way of combatting this issue, but he led me to believe in my follow up visit that that med is the way. not explicitly, but that is what I took from the conversation. So now I'm left to wonder if in the end if I can't change my system of losing Calcium would any treatment even help at all and if it did probably having it last for long term may be difficult or impossible. Who else is losing CA and what was recommended to you, and how are the results of what you've done? I'm all ears!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSES!!!


I am right there with you. I am 77 and was diagnosed years ago. My lower spine is -3.4, but i am have been reluctant to take any drugs following a severe reaction to Boniva. I would love to hear if anyone has had dramatic improvement with any of the drugs. At my age the possible negative side effects seem to outweigh the possibility of a small improvement.

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@sandrajhunt do you have an endocrinologist? With a score of -3.4 I would think, based on my experience, that you would do a bone-builder like Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity. (I have done Tymlos, will then do Evenity,, then a year of Reclast).

@ans Dr. McCormick wrote "The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis" as well as "Great Bones," as you know. He is upfront about having used meds himself. I will use the info on holistic approaches AFTER my meds, as he has done himself!


I have a referral to an endocrinologist and will see him after the holidays. Thanks so much for your input !


It has been recommended that I take Evenity or Prolia for my osteoporosis. My spine is bad enough I should probably take Evenity but really need to hear how others have responded and what side effects you have had. I am 67.


It has been recommended that I take Evenity or Prolia for my osteoporosis. My spine is bad enough I should probably take Evenity but really need to hear how others have responded and what side effects you have had. I am 67.

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I will have my 4th set of injections of Evenity this week. So far I have had no side-effects other than one time I had injection site discomfort in 1 arm, but not such I needed to take anything for it, just felt it a couple days. I am 74.


I am right there with you. I am 77 and was diagnosed years ago. My lower spine is -3.4, but i am have been reluctant to take any drugs following a severe reaction to Boniva. I would love to hear if anyone has had dramatic improvement with any of the drugs. At my age the possible negative side effects seem to outweigh the possibility of a small improvement.

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I've been on Forteo for eight months. The serum bone markers are indicating success. I've had no side effects. You might consider trying this medication. If you have any adverse reaction after the first injection, you can quit. You'll be unhappy, if you fracture. May you never.


I am a 77 year old with osteoporosis. A little over a year ago I had six fractures in my spine (all I did was roll over on bed!). I took my first reclast infusion and wound up in the hospital for pain management. The pain was so intense it caused me to experience a mild heart attack. A year rolls around and the Dr insist I must have a a second infusion. This time I was uton pain meds BEFORE the infusion and instead of the normal 15 mins to do the infusion they administered it over 45 mins time frame. Not problems at all after the infusion! Wishing you all the best!!!


I was shocked that you had a second infusion of Reclast after what happened to you; especially with the minor heart attacks. There are so many other options! I’m 80 and my doctor also wanted me to take Reclast but I refused. I don’t want to introduce any drugs that might cause life threatening disabilities. I’m using collegan, special Calcuim with additives and strength training exercises. So far so good and I’m not prone to fractures.


@swanson157 you also have the choice of Forteo or Tymlos. I chose Tymlos because the dose is adjustable and I ramped up. I am following Tymlos with Evenity: it is not possible to do it the other way around.

@grandmaketchup honestly I am shocked that you were prescribed Reclast after several fractures. I would think you would need a bone builder like Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity. Do you see an endocrinologist? Insurance would cover better meds due to the fractures.
Many of us use Reclast to "lock in" gains from the bone builders.

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